wingso 发表于 2012-2-1 05:31

聽說亚瑟王2新补丁出了. 不知改了什麼?


dou888 发表于 2012-2-1 07:58

Major changes include:

King Arthur II – The Role-playing Wargame v1.1.01

- Fixed issue with armies spawning on top of each other with no deployment
- Fixed stone circle teleporting, both in main and prologue campaign
- Fixed loops, incorrect texts and other bugs in quests
- Fixed issues with diplomatic actions
- Changed spell penetration level for several spells (e.g. Meteor Strike, Enchanted fog)
- Decreased effectiveness of Resurrection spell to reasonable level
- Decreased combat stats of Changeling/Sidhe units to reasonable levels
- Fixed emergence order of Shard abilities
- Fixed difficulty level issues in regard the Mad Emperor’s army
- Casting unit abilities applies to all units selected
- Improved general game performance, added option to disable multi GPU optimization
- Other minor bug and balancing fixes

有人说升级以后反而更卡了, 然后dev team 又说下个补丁明后天放. :L

zz657916975 发表于 2012-2-1 11:55

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查看完整版本: 聽說亚瑟王2新补丁出了. 不知改了什麼?