本帖最后由 wleizhen 于 2011-12-23 13:41 编辑用了别人的老版汉化,新增职业没汉化
放到,我的文档\BioWare\Dragon Age\AddIns下
设计了包含匕首、锤、大槌、单手斧、战斧、长剑、巨剑、十字弩、短弓、长弓等武器专精的武器系技能树,每种武器都有四个可学习技能。战士和盗贼能修习所有武器专精,但是部分技能需要先学习相关进阶职业; 法师只能学习匕首和弓类专精。
2.原有职业新增进阶职业 咏剑士、奥术射手、暴风战士、黑暗守卫、暮刃、元素射手、暗隐刺客、剑刃大师、斧钢大师、锤链大师、匕首大师、弓箭大师、匕咒法师、匕咒变形者、快剑手、大法师、魔剑士、荒野潜行者、僧舞者、黑炎狂徒。其中战士可用12个,法师可用6个,盗贼可用9个。
其实我是来求翻译的 Essence Thief Tooltip
Syphon Vitality
For a short time, the target receives a penalty to strength and constitution while the essence thief receives a bonus to strength and constitution.
Syphon Essence
For a short time, the target receives a penalty to magic and willpower while the essence thief receives a bonus to magic and willpower.
Essence Assimilation
If a target's soul is devoured while under the effects of Syphon Vitality or Syphon Essence, the essence thief receives a permanent boost to the absorbed attributes.
Essence Manifestation
The essence thief can now take the form of any creature whom they have devoured since learning Essence Assimilation.
Wolf Essence
Mabari Essence
Werewolf Essence
Bear Essence
Spider Essence
Poisonous Spider Essence
Deep Stalker Essence
Bronto Essence
Dragonling Essence
Drake Essence
Dragon Essence
High Dragon Essence
Wisp Essence
Ash Wraith Essence
Rage Demon Essence
Shade Essence
Desire Demon Essence
Pride Demon Essence
The essence thief assumes the form of the devoured creature, gaining all of its abilities and resistances while this ability is active.
Requires the Essence Manifestation ability.
Gains the abilities and resistances of the activated essence.
Massive Attack - Front Right
Massive Attack - Front Left
Massive Attack - Back Right
Massive Attack - Back Left
Grab - Right
The creature lunges at an opponent and tears at it with powerful jaws. If the attack hits, it is an automatic critical hit. If the target can bleed, it takes additional damage for a short time.
The creature charges at its enemy, dealing normal damage if the attack hits and knocking the opponent down unless it passes a physical resistance check.
The creature leaps upon its target, pinning it to the ground and attacking it repeatedly.
The creature lets out a loud howl, reducing the defense of all enemies nearby unless they pass a mental resistance check.
Strength and Constitution absortion.
Magic and Willpower absortion.