转自 法国官网 不知道更新内容是一样的不 大家可以对比下Salutations Héros,Nous aimerions vous remercier encore une fois pour les retours que vous nous faîtes depuis la sortie du jeu. Vos feedback ont été très utiles pour comprendre les soucis techniques.Le patch 1.2 sera disponible le 20 décembre à 0:00 GMT.Vous pourrez trouver le récapitulatif des corrections principales ci-dessous. Vous pourrez découvrir plus d'améliorations directement en jeu.Major bug fixes (Week of the Plague, Dynasty weapons, unit abilities, scripts, localization)• Skirmish AI tweaks:- Tries to defend all owned town (previously the AI focused on its starting town)- Previously if a hero stronger then the AI's hero threatened a town, the AI hero let that town undefended. Now the AI calculates all of its nearby hero's army and creature growth and defends the town if it finds it possible- Always defends the last owned town if it can causes reasonable losses to the attacker hero- Huge speed improvement, AI thinking is approximately 2-3 times faster than in the previous version- Further improvement of cooperation among primary and secondary heroes- Improved exploration and target priority- Pre-calculated army contraction. The AI calculates how many creatures can the target collect (including possible creature growth) before the AI's hero can reach it and calculates if it is worth to chase it.- Further improvement of Town portal usage- In case of an FFA the AI tries to attack and capture towns from a weaker player- FIXED: Sometimes the AI attacked a much stronger hero than itself- FIXED: Sometimes without reason the AI split its army into 2 and lost against a stronger hero- FIXED: Sometimes the AI miscalculated the cost of a town portal and spent too much points before trying to use it (resulting an undefended town)- FIXED: The AI ignored some neutral buildings- FIXED: Several smaller bug fixes• Combat AI tweaks:- General target choice improvement for the units- Improved ability usage- Improved racial ability usage- Improved ability selection and different builds for Magic/Might, Tears/Blood heroes- Improved creature ability usage• Gameplay improvements:- The unit setup after using the Tactics ability is remembered from battle to battle• Intel support:- Fog calculation- Variance shadow mapping vs. hardware shadow mapping• Balance tweaks:- Rage II-IV gives +10 Might Attack instead of +15- Rage points generated by attacks reduced to 16(friendly)/8(enemy) (from 20/10)- Guardian Angel: Good moral gives 70 racial points (instead of 100)- Retribution aura cooldown increased to 5 instead of 3- Haste initiative bonus increased to 12 (from 10)- Slow initiative reduction increased to 12 (from 10)- Mass Haste initiative bonus increased to 6 (from 5)- Mass Slow initiative reduction increased to 6 (from 5)- Father Sky damage increased to 380 (from 353)- Idol of Air damage increased to 276/318/366 (from 240/277/319)- Martyr Might Resistance and Health bonus reduced to +10.8%/12.4%/14.3% (from +21.6%,24.9%,28.6% Might Resistance, +13%,15%,17% Health)- Hour of Judgement bonus damage increased to 31% (from 21%)- Hell Hound Might Defense increased to 5 (from 4)- Cerberus Might Defense increased to 6 (from 4)- Kirin and Sacred Kirin movement reduced to 6 (from 7)- Kirin Magic Defense increased to 33 (from 32)- Sacred Kirin Might Defense reduced to 31 (from 33)- Sacred Kirin Magic Defense reduced to 33 (from 35) 就patch note而言没有任何区别…
我悲观的以为正式1.2也就那样了… 回复 2# 376845146
据夫人说正式的1.2不是我们现在用着的1.2.0,应该是1.2.x。目前用1.2.0感觉修复了不少的bug,已经和谐很多啦,希望1.2.x会更好一点…… 据夫人说正式的1.2不是我们现在用着的1.2.0,应该是1.2.x。目前用1.2.0感觉修复了 ...
manheartc 发表于 2011-12-16 10:05 http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif
有两个月的奇葩先例…我不觉得这中间一两个星期黑洞还能做出啥令人惊喜的事情出来… 回复 4# 376845146
做了跟放进去了是两回事嘛,学院本来都基本做好了我们还不是要到明年才见得到。1.2.0的改进还是挺明显的,虽然我更新之后的游戏时间不超过10h,但在这有限的时间内我个人发现的改进要远远比新bug多得多,旧的bug也有很多完善了。不过话说回来,我之所以会满意是因为之前的期望值不大高,对正式的1.2也是一样的态度,一步到位是不可能的啦。 音效呢?音效呢?音效呢?
还是1.2忽略此点了? 我升级后显示是1.2.0.1{:3_149:} win7兼容问题修复了吗? 回复 8# 日道月行
win7一直没有不兼容啊? 回复 6# ivan6346
你没发现放技能的音效都正常了么。兵种的是接下来的事情 回复 9# serenata
不是游戏运行不兼容,是玩到一些时候游戏会停止工作,很多win7系统的都有这问题。 回复ivan6346
你没发现放技能的音效都正常了么。兵种的是接下来的事情 ...
wokunnima 发表于 2011-12-16 15:31 http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif