Note that I changed the hosting port to 29184 when you port forwards. Thanks.
If TeknoMW3.exe doesn't run for you make sure you have .net 3.5 also installed.
译:确认你已经安装了.net 3.5 之后再看看能不能运行TeknoMw3.exe
Someone said also changing to normal windows theme and not some custom gay one it will work. Never had any problems with .net 4.0 myself.
译:有人说改回普通的windows主题这补丁才会有用。绝对不可能,我在.net 4.0 下用得好好的
SteamID only needs to be changed if you are running pirated version,launcher picks up most used ID. ID is unique to each original game owner
Remember to run launcher in admin mode...
IP needs to be put like if you have then
Hope this answers all your questions.
There will never be no other build for TeknoMW3, only bug fixes if necessary. 250$ release has nothing to do with MW3 sorry.
Never change the SteamID YOURSELF! If you want unique ID just delete SteamID= line from the ini and rerun (ini with nick needs to exist).
译:不要自己擅自修改SteamID!如果你想要个唯一的ID那么就在ini文件里删除 SteamID= 这一行然后重新运行(必须是要有昵称的ini文件)
The emulator will generate ID based on your hardware and put that in the INI on startup, this way there can really be no doubles.
It was already said before the release, we will not support pirates/V.P.N, only LAN. If it works anyways, good for you. If not, I don't care.
If you are not imminently connected to the game when you are joining it doesn't work, waiting doesn't help. See previous tweets for help.
There is no reason why it wouldn't work via V.p.n, only ports. This case your settings are fucked and it is not my fault.
译:这个不可能不可以通过科学上网链接而只有端口。这种情况下只能说你自己没设置好。 vlan成功了
希望大家可以找出不用VLAN的方法 回复 1# wsjoop1119
明明每个人的ini文件里的ID都是一样的,他怎么说是每个人独特的? 支持啊~~~哈哈谢谢LZ分享,LZ辛苦了。 回复 3# 星爷来也
不一样啊,不知道你之前有特别行动的存档没。我有个44级的档,我一看ini里面就不是有篇帖子所说的000100000的ID而是一串数字和字母的混合体。我改为000100001之后等级就归一,但改回来等级还是44。所以我猜测,那个默认id000100001可能只出现于安装补丁后并没有运行游戏或者游戏里面没有存档吧 太对了!!!支持楼主!!! 顶LZ一个! 为什么我玩现代战争3. 进图一开始不卡。玩一会就一卡一卡的。 一秒一卡的。