elecwang 发表于 2011-11-22 18:34

Stuck on Connecting to Online Services ......

1、 I've got it working, after a night of struggling with the router! I eventually installed this custom firmware (http://dd-wrt.com/) on our router, and after figuring out how to configure it properly (which did take quite some time, for the record; it was much more complicated than my old standard router page), I no longer got stuck connecting to online services! The key was probably the extremely increased functionality of the dd-wrt control panel. It might be a bit annoying of a fix for most people, but it's good to know that there's a way around it... and also great to know that the root of the problem is most definitely crappy routers! http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/v4_images/smilies/cool.gif

2、Hey! I figured I would mention how I got my game working after receiving the same error.

I tried doing all the typical fixes: static IP, WAN unblock, LCC, UPnP, DMZ... None of it worked.

Then I tried something new: I opened my wireless network adapter settings and turned off sharing in the Sharing tab. Suddenly I could get past the "Connecting" screen! Everything worked!

Bit of background: I obtain Internet via my wireless card in my PC, then I share that connection to my wired network adapter so I can just hook my Xbox to my PC to give it a connection. I'm too cheap to buy the Wireless Adapter for the 360...

So that's it! Go to Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings > right-click the network adapter that receives internet > Properties > Sharing tab > Uncheck any boxes.

Might be able to help someone

elecwang 发表于 2011-11-22 18:44

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