scv09jz 发表于 2011-11-21 07:10


本来是想回复别人帖子的,回复了我半天才发现我回复的文不对题,所以就干脆写一个帖子独立整理吧。 说实话写这些东西太累了,还得不断查资料,有时甚至还得自己再去玩相关的游戏关卡。



MW1:Imran Zakhaev(伊姆兰.扎卡耶夫,一代中的boss)在他死之前说过一段很具有感情的话语:”Our so-called leaders prostituted us to the West... destroyed our culture... our economies... our honor. Our blood has been spilled on our soil. My blood... on their hands. They are the invaders. All U.S. and British forces will leave Russia immediately... or suffer the consequences“
            Victor Zakhaev(维克多.扎卡耶夫,伊姆兰.扎卡耶夫的儿子)他死之前说过一句很霸道的话:”You are all going to die anyways!“
            Gaz(盖兹)他说过两句话令我印象很深刻,第一句是”Let's do this“这句一直被沿用到MW2和MW3,因为MW2中的Ghost和MW3中的Walkroft都是同一个人配音的。 还有一句Gaz说过比较印象深刻的话是:”The Loyalists, eh? Are those the good Russians or the bad Russians?“

MW2: Roach(小强)没说过话
            Ghost(幽灵)"let's do this"
            Allen(艾伦,就是那个被谢泼德将军安插的内奸)在被告知要当间谍之后说”So how do I look?”然后”Makarov's no prize. He's a whore. A mad-dog killer for the highest-bidder“
            Shepherd(谢泼德将军,二代中的Boss) 最经典的话莫过于:“Five years ago, I lost 30,000 men in the blink of an eye. And the world just fuckin' watched. Tomorrow there will be no shortage of volunteers, no shortage of patriots. I know you understand”

MW3: John "Soap" MacTavish(肥皂)二代中:开头没多久说过“Place is filled with living casualties of the last war... which I swear I thought we'd won. But I guess it's all a day at the races, you back the losing horse and this is where you end up” 找到Price后说“this belongs to you,sir." 后跟price一起执行任务时说“it's good to have you back ,old man.”发现谢泼德 是坏蛋之后对roach和ghost说“Roach,do not trust shepherd, i say again, do not trust shepherd”.   三代中被救活后在直升机里说:“Who the bloody hell is Yuri”。 执行任务时price叫他别死,soap说:“You worry about yourself, old man.” 执行任务时说:”Dogs. I hate dogs!“。 死之前对price说:”Price,you need to know, Makarov...knows...Yuri...“.
         Yuri(尤里)机场回忆那关”I was young and patriotic when I first met Vladimir Makarov“,”I was a soldier of Russia, not a taker of innocent lives. But in his eyes, this marked me as the enemy“。 酒店里追杀Makarov说:”Leave me“
         Makarov(马克洛夫) 二代机场屠杀之前说”S nami bog. Russian。“ 后来说”Revenge is like a ghost. It takes over every man it touches. It's thirst cannot be quenched, until the last man standing has fallen. The world's men of action will look and wonder... how it came to this. You may be able to destroy me, but the beast will eventually come for you“三代中开头最经典的一句”All warfare is based on deception. For years, the West hypocrisy has made the world the battlefield. The corrupt talk... while our brothers and sons spill their own blood. Deceit cuts both ways. The bigger the lie, the more likely people are willing to believe it. And when the nation cries for vengeance, the lies spread like a wildfire. The fire builds, devouring everything in its path. Ours enemies believe that they alone dictate the course of history. And all it takes is the will of a single man。“ MW3的预告片中说:”It doesn't take the most powerful nations on Earth to create the next global conflict. Just the will of a single man。“

sseeyou 发表于 2011-11-21 07:23


scv09jz 发表于 2011-11-21 07:33

回复 2# sseeyou


litianyukf 发表于 2011-11-21 07:37


scv09jz 发表于 2011-11-21 07:39

回复 4# litianyukf


mxy33 发表于 2011-11-21 07:59

Makarov's no prize. He's a whore. A mad-dog killer for the highest-bidder
前文是Allen说“So Makarov is the prize "

scv09jz 发表于 2011-11-21 08:09

回复 6# mxy33


ciphergalm1 发表于 2011-11-21 20:19

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