装到23%左右时,提示ISDone.dllis not a console application created the file% n% s% nYou error or an incorrect format pcf-file
有朋友遇到过这个问题吗? 装了 3遍终于装上了! 这个版本安装时间很长!尤其是最后那个命令框要等很长时间。 我下的这个版本 能玩! 等处了完美中文硬盘版 在重新下! 我也遇到了这个问题。
我在国外XX网站上找到了一个老外给出的解决办法。 你可以试试。(我也正在试)
Works great! Finally!!!
!!!Easy Instructions!!!
1. Extract COD_DVD1.iso and COD_DVD2.iso to the SAME folder
2. Open the folder the files were extracted to and run setup.exe
3. Click Next It will ask if you want to install DirectX (Go ahead and click yes to make sure you have latest DirectX)
4.Next It will ask if you want Microsoft C++ (Go ahead and click yes to make sure you have it installed)
5. Next options are easy choose where you want to install the game (default directory worked fine for me ….Create desktop shortcuts etc etc……
6.Click Install (this part takes about 25 mins based on your CPU..Close any running programs to make it go fast as possible)
7.Somewhere near the end a dos prompt will come up and start decompressing files leave this alone till it is DONE!!!
8.The Black box installer will say some things and you can click finish while the dos window is still running.
9.When the dos window Disappears. Go to the the directory and run iw5sp.exe!!! ENJOY!!!