jink84 发表于 2011-11-10 16:26


DirectX Error
DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error.

Check the readme for possible solutions.
已经更新了Directx还是同样会跳出 并且再此进入游戏会弹出---------------------------
Run In Safe Mode?
It appears that Modern Warfare 3 did not quit properly the last time it ran.
Do you want to run the game in safe mode?

This is recommended for most people.
It will change your system settings but not your controls.
是(Y)   否(N)   取消   
请问这是为什么怎么解决阿   谢谢!

jink84 发表于 2011-11-10 16:42

本帖最后由 jink84 于 2011-11-12 18:04 编辑

每次通关后载入下一关就会跳出然后再进入游戏选关再载入就又可以了 我怀疑是Video文件夹的问题

jink84 发表于 2011-11-12 18:04

每次通关后载入下一关就会跳出然后再进入游戏选关再载入就又可以了 我怀疑是Video文件夹的问题
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查看完整版本: 使命8极限高压进入动画后就跳出