Modern Warfare 3 Tops 9.3m First Day (Biggest Industry Launch Ever)
Seb Parker, 13 hours ago, 14,445 views'When will this franchise peak?' Many asked this after last year's Black Ops defied all odds and outsold a Modern Warfare Call of Duty game (the very reason the series is so big today); a brand within itself. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that Call of Duty has yet again broken industry records, but it's by how much that makes it staggering.
A reported 1.5 million people queued at midnight globally to get their hands on Modern Warfare 3, with a total of 9.3 million copies sold on the first day. The Xbox 360 version sees around a 54% share, meaning it's the first game on one platform to pass 5 million on its first day. The PlayStation 3 version held 42%, which is around the 4 million mark. Both day ones are only slightly behind Black Ops entire first week sales. The PC version and the Wii version held the remaining 4%, which is around 370,000 units.
As a whole, Modern Warfare 3 is up 33% over Black Ops' first day sales, and a whopping 55% up on the previous Modern Warfare. the US and the UK combined account for 7 million, which is just over 75%.
Early data suggests first week sales are on course for around 12 to 13.5 million. With just over 87 million Call of Duty games already sold on home consoles and PC this generation, by the end of this week the Call of Duty franchise will have sold over 100 million games this generation.
现代战争3的首日销量超出黑色行动33%,超出现代战争2 55%。英美两国合计卖出了700万份,刚好略微超出总额的75%。
早期数据预计首周销量大概在1200万到1350万之间。因为本世代COD系列在主机和PC上的销量已突破8700万,看来本周结束前COD系列就有可能在本世代销量突破1个亿了。http://www.vgchartz.com/article/88431/modern-warfare-3-tops-93m-first-day-biggest-industry-launch-ever/ 没人顶?
这么Nb的销量啊 從數字上來看,很清楚知道為什麼PC市場逐漸不被重視,4%...還是跟wii相加。 所以那么多游戏厂商重视家用主机市场,宁可画质缩水也要满足主机玩家的需求。换引擎等下代主机吧。 擦,一天就有5亿美元的销售额 我知道,PC那4%份额中,没有我的贡献。 牛13啊 真的 天朝下载量惊人!!!!!!!! 如果算上盗版那就恐怖了= = 我真不知道用手柄怎么玩FPS游戏,有手感吗 PC和Wii版占了4%{:3_153:}。。。以后PC游戏会越来越少了 主机以后真的是王道了,PC也许会淡出游戏市场,成为专业的办公或者研究工具了。。。。。。 主要还是PC盗版太严重了