话说正版都7.07了… 大大们都搞毛去了… 自7.05更新后天天来这里 换来的总是失望啊这游戏还会有7.05吗…… 呵呵,楼主耐心等吧,其实很多人都在等,和你一样。 嗯 我们除了抱怨 除了等 也干不了什么了 呵呵 一起等吧 貌似更新挺有意思 我也是天天都来等啊!! 我也是天天都来等啊!! 我也是天天来等啊! 天天都来等+1
Upcoming Patch! 7.08 (ETA Nov 7 2011)
* Added all modding tools, Editor, source code, and art assets as optional DLC. This can be used to make Mods (new maps, content for the base game, compatible with base game in Open mode + automatically downloaded to new users), AND Total Conversions (complete reworking of the game that changes or rewrites core functionality as you see fit, requires direct installation of Total Conversion files). Want to add something to DunDef? Submit your changes / additions to us for inclusion into the Official game! Want to make your own game with the Dungeon Defenders code and content? Go ahead and design it as you see fit!
* Fixed return-to-tavern crash / map-transition crash
* Fixed glitch where you could get "Unlocked New Mission / Costume" messages on every startup unless you did a local save
* Kobolds should no longer ever phase through blockades
* Raised cap on Monk weapon Ranged Damage stat per upgrade to 80
* Added Insta-Invest button to immediately dump in as much Mana as you can for the next Upgrade level
* Fixed bug where User Interface debug info could appear on-screen by pressing some obscure key combination
* Working on Lightning Tower tweaks... (buffs)
* Uber-Chicken Pet's Damage now scales with Hero Damage, making it a fantastic boast-worthy reward for any Legendary Defender
* Fixed issue where Costumes would sometimes not be unlocked when completing Halloween Spooktacular! 我没看错吧 7.08增加MOD支持 就是说会有一堆玩家自制地图了!!! 只能期待了,拭目以待。 7.08了~~~ 天啊 oh,my lady gaga!!! 期待了 更新很快嘛! 更新太快了 破解组应该不会那么快就破掉 steam还没更新呢 没办法啊。。。都在等呢~~除了耐心点也没别的办法了~~ 盗版下场,不解释。。。我看到这里很多玩盗版,都是等出补丁到死的。。。 我没看错吧 7.08增加MOD支持 就是说会有一堆玩家自制地图了!!!
kokjoo89 发表于 2011-11-4 11:48 http://3dm.178.com/images/common/back.gif
只是open模式,ranked还是要官方的图 只能期待了,拭目以待。 我也是为了7.04之后 天天来这里几次等吧》》》就是不知道大佬们有没有计划 是啊 一点消息都没啊。。 还用着 7.03 的路过 我也是天天来等啊! 是啊 一点消息都没啊。。 难道最近很少看到老外开房间就是因为这个吗...版本不同了.. 应该还要等上一段时间吧煎熬啊。。 同顶 主要估计是破解小组对这个游戏不感兴趣,要么就是游戏更新太快(我歪想) {:3_142:}我现在都有买正版的冲动了。。。 正版的飘过 和寝室同学一起玩的 入正的话得买4个。。还是等破解吧。。