以前还有《钢铁雄狮》和《M1坦克排》两个系列,现在基本没有专门的坦克战游戏了,只是在局部中穿插一下,比如《孤岛危机》、《叛逆连队2》、《战地3》虽然它们的画面都很好,问题是玩起来一点都不爽,尼玛都啥年代的主战坦克了,还要哥自己手动搜索,然后自己估算提前量开炮,艹尼玛的难道车载的弹道计算机火控系统都是假的么,这尼玛的跟给你一架F22只能用机炮空战一样滑稽。也不知道这些开发者是怎么想的。还是怀念以前玩《钢铁雄狮》的感觉,2代3代都通关了,怀念那种在远远的地方找个好地形,露个炮塔出去慢慢把敌人点杀,或者是数辆坦克一字排开势不可挡的进行间射击的感觉,可惜现在都没这样的游戏了。PS.《坦克世界》就算了。。我不喜欢那种2战式的坦克战。 We're not quite sure what's going on here: you see, Lenovo's been cosying up to Android for its smartphones and tablets all this time, so we were a bit surprised when one of its product managers posted some photos of a Windows Phone-powered handset (even Engadget makes an appearance). More interestingly, this mysterious phone looks identical to the upcoming Lenovo LePhone S2, which features a heavily customized Android 2.3.4, 1GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon MSM8255 chip, 480 x 800 display, eight-megapixel camera (with 720p recording) and a smaller plus lighter body than its predecessor. PCPOP's done a brief preview of the S2 Android if you're curious. 钢铁猛兽2早有啦只不过要你花美金买.................... 二战时的大规模坦克战更热血啊