强力推荐~MOD IA V0.95C~
本帖最后由 llcn 于 2011-10-25 21:45 编辑更新内容:MOD Specification.
Changing the aggressive IA cars for more actions.
Increased mistakes IA.
Increase failures for IA.
Injcrease Overtake IA.
Modification DRS system, more speed difference when activated ( IA included )
Change Gripp Tyres.
Correction Tyres on Korea ( Super soft and Soft )
Damages modifications.
Ajust chronos for IA and adapt the perfomance for HRT, VIRGIN, LOTUS for ave more fight with this car but are
5 SEC MAX time difference with the TOP time , Redbull, Ferrari Maclaren.
Increase agressive IA for Lotus, HRT, Virgin, Renault, Force india, Torro Rosso and Williams.
Increases the maximum number of limitations out of the safety car for all tracks.
Increase the probability for safety car.
Limitation Safety Car interventions ( 2 for nomal track like melbourne,monreal and 3 for urban track, Monaco, Singapore )
Distance Modification Safety Car with Player and IA.
Change management contracts in the career.
Changing the penalties for real in the race less strict.
Driver change with the add Senna and Ricciardo ( FR, IT, ENG, DE, SPA )
Also a version without Names change.
Changing the probability of changing weather.
And more and more ands more.......
使用感受:第一赛季专业难度下,选威廉姆斯澳大利亚排位赛,1.20.9居然只能排第七位发车,以前我用威廉姆斯就可以完虐排位赛。。好吧第二赛季来到红牛,澳大利亚排位赛1.19.020,勉强第一~!我选的20%的赛程摩纳哥 新加坡还有哪个我忘了,出过安全车。正赛上AI还是慢,这个目前是没办法了,不过这个版本的排位赛难度大大提高,不到大车队的话很难有好的排位~!
下载地址~http://115.com/file/cl7a2r2n#点不了就复制下~ 请问下LZ这个版本正赛AI的单圈能比排位差多少? 请问下LZ这个版本正赛AI的单圈能比排位差多少?
kimilinxi 发表于 2011-10-25 23:30 http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif
差很多。基本上只要你一领头就能拉开差距(当然前提是你有好的单圈)。。但是如果你在短时间内无法追上领先的,那它回非常快。。所以这个版本排位赛还是很重要的,排得靠后的话,很难追上!(如果你是用硬挤超车的话,当我没说!毕竟现实F1可不能有丝毫碰撞,我还是比较喜欢技术型超车)~AI的弯道刹车还是比较早(这个问题到现在还是没解决),利用这个超车会很容易。。这个版本的MOD主要是排位赛的成绩,AI真的会很快,,,以至于我每次都要对比哪个赛段慢,哪个弯道没过好。。(我刚又跑了下德国站的排位赛,轮胎,燃油模拟全开下1.24.200还不能杆位,最后一圈我跑了1.24.110这才杆位)。 {:3_195:}的确没有b版那种正赛刷圈速比排位还快的情况了........但第一弯之后就觉得完全没有压力了...... 请问这些AI MOD那理出的 回复 5# snake1125