画面:这个本来要求不高,没什么 意见。
快捷键:默认的和5差不多。 地图上直接可以进建造界面和招募界面,这个挺好的。 不过烦的是每次F5快速保存了以后要出现个需要确定的对话框,哥最大的不满就在于这个!
下面问个问题: 哥玩到教学第二关, 占领中部一个城镇以后,怎么他娘的就没有生物产量呢?!?3个星期了还没一个兵,莫非我搞错了什么? 另外鼠标滑动滚屏也没法滚了。。。战斗中的呼喊变成了叽叽的声音。反正很多小毛病吧,希望早日出补丁什么的。
哥高端老牌理智玩家,玩的正是破解版,因为没有英文正版卖!哥的垃圾建设银行网银也崩溃了,懒得去弄!还是那句老话:代理个J8!谁要你代理!! 看下来,眼睛和心灵都闪亮了!不!闪瞎了。。。
不代理就没有那么便宜的价格而可以享受到联网啊。。。 LZ我针对你无语,自己仔细找,不解释。你的问题都是你自己没仔细玩游戏造成的。 进英雄界面,查看英雄属性,然后点一下齿轮,英雄属性就变成兵种属性了,只能看英雄带的兵种的属性
你点了加快战斗速度,战斗中的声音也被加速了,声调变高了就变成了唧唧声 最后一句亮瞎了 哈哈,原来是这样啊,谢谢。
给4楼朋友:有道理,但是加速不该是声音变细的正当理由吧。 回复 6# johnyin0871
Hi guys and gals,
I am posting this in an effort to consolidate all bugs we have encountered in a single post with a list at the beginning, in order for us to be able to spot bugs we have found (and for Ubi/BH to have a target list ready at hand).
Please post your bug(s) in this thread and I will update the list at the beginning of the forum frequently.
"Patch notes for Patch 1.1.1.
• Hot fix on default setting video option detection at start-up causing possible dead locks on laptops
• Blinking cursor fix
• Fixing a version number issue
**** THE BUGLIST ****
### Patch v1.1.1 pre-release notes state "• Fixing a version number issue"
After patching, game version displays as v1.1.0 for some players (LOL)
### After patching, patch notes are nowhere to be found (readme.rtf in game folder is for v1.00)
Procceed with caution. You have been warned!!!
### My cursor is blinking !!!
FIXED with patch v1.1.1.
This seems to help with the movement of the cursor that slows down the game animations to a crawl (some users still experience slowdowns regardless though).
### Moving the mouse freezes videos/animations
Patch v1.1.1 helps a bit (for some users) but this is still an open issue.
### News Widget is Empty
No known reason/fix (is it really empty???)
### Leaderboards display negative values
User statistics (for example Dynasty Weapon Experience, Experience Points) display negative values for some players.
### On continue Campaign game does not load latest save.
by RA_fox: "When you press Continue campaign, game very often loads auto-save instead of latest hard-save or quicksave."
### My units sound like comical characters
Lower your Battle Speed setting (increasing it increases the sound speed/pitch, sound hilarious though maybe they should make it an option!)
### I reached Bronze lvl for my Dynasty and I cannot buy anything!
This is a bug obviously, but reaching lvl11 for your Dynasty will allow you to buy the rewards.
### Special faction buildings is towns have mixed icons (building one actually builds the other).
by ReinierK1981: "With the special buildings in a town (the ones you can switch), if you switched a building, then click the icon again, it shows the first building on top, instead of the switched one. If you now build the building, you think it builds the one displayed, but it builds the other."
### My creature numbers for hire are NEGATIVE !!
This is a bug related to Week of the Plague (it also affects a campaign map it seems). Sorceress posted: "During the Beta, the workaround was to exit the game and then reload the save-file from the previous day."
### Sometimes the hotkeys for Defend and Wait stop working mid-battle.
Multiple users have reported this.
### Right-clicking on the enemy hero to view their level and other stats sometimes doesn't work.
### Mark of the Heretic value appears as Y
Left clicking on a marked creature doesn't give a numerical value for the bonus dmg (seeHERE )
### Imperial Griffin Battle Dive
by Mist_Weaver: The Imperial Griffin's Battle Dive special ability deals no damage when used.
### My creature growth just halved without reason
by jpappas3: Growth bug: Unknown trigger, possibly the death of a hero with + growth; creature growth halved or less, fixable with a reload, but if you don't notice it, you can get hosed.
### Sometimes I cannot attack Dark Elementals
by jpappas3: Dark Elementals cannot be attacked by Necro hero, ghost or lich. I was told during beta that this was a bug, not a feature.
### Computer AI controls MY heroes during its turn (and steals my unallocated skill points)! Then the game gets stack at AI's turn for ever !!!
Also reported by XERikimaru for a Hotseat game!
I've personally encountered this one (saves are stored if needed to confirm or even better fix). Encountered during single player map (Bridge too Far). The AI allocated skill points that were not allocated and moved the human heroes on it's turn, which caused the AI turn never to end.
Temporary work around is to press ESC, load a previous save point, allocate all skill points as you get them and consume all movement points before passing turn.
### The specialty icon for my hero has no/wrong tooltip
As seen HERE the tooltip of the specialty displays the specialty name instead of an explanation.
### Map scrolling goes AWOL after loading
by Skwarek-pl: The screen panning on edges of the screen becomes unavailable if you load saved game and try to pan the screen right after loading. Restarting the game fixes it for me, or just give it few seconds to load the game correctly, then it will never block.
### Sentinel's and Praetorian's Shielded ability also buffs enemy units.
It seems that the Shielded ability works for both sides while it should only work for the Sentinel's side only. This affects the AI units too in favor of the player.
### Tooltip letters are fuzzy.
It seems that tooltips that contain an even number of lines have fuzzy letters, while tooltips with an odd number of lines appear normal (crisp).
### Name and description of some battle map objects displays as Placeholder
by Vilmar35: Please see HERE. Also some of these placeholder entities are invisible (revealed only by the shadowed movement range of units.
### Shortcut Bar for spells and abilities shows diferent ones from the ones selected
by Vilmar35: This is a bug that is around since beta.
### Dragon Nexus disables spells already learned?
Trubacek reports loosing the ability to cast Mass Life Drain (while still having it in the spellbook) after visiting a Dragon Nexus.
### Puppet Master sometimes crashes the game while taking actions with the spell in effect
by Arcane_Weapon: "Were you by chance casting Puppet Master? I've had the game lock up several times when I've used Puppet Master on an enemy stack. This exact fight was the first time I witnessed it. It's not on cast either, it will happen after you attempt to so anything with a unit while the spell is still in effect. It's an odd bug too because it doesn't always happen, in the end I just stopped using the spell because I didn't want to risk it forcing a ctrl+alt+del."
Also a description from SheltemDrgn:
Necro Campain #3
Type: Ability interaction bug
Source: Puppet Master ability controlling a stack of Succubus to attack another stack of Succubus in the Underworld. Lock occurs after target stack takes damage from the controlled stack. Assume the game freezes during a damage return from a succubus ability.
Result: Game hard locks, sound and other processes on computer keep running. Does however prevent minimization and the task manager from opening.
Repeatable: Yes, managed to repeat the bug on three separate starts.
### Ghoul ability Rage against the Living does not highlight the correct movement squares when in effect.
by fistrich & shirazuki
### Reconnecting to the Conflux needs two tries as first try always reports wrong status of connection
by fistrich: Possible menu glitch (also encountered by me)
### Game miscalculates Threat lvl for high lvl heros with small armies.
by fistrich: Seems the game takes into account the hero lvl more than the size of his army (should be army based mainly, modified by hero stats)
### Finishing the Necro campaign, you need to restart the game for end campaign to be enabled.
by fistrich: Possible game menu bug.
### Archlich's Drain Life ability doesn't seem to heal.
by harriel001: Also confirmed by me (seems that if the attack destroys the target stack, the heal never happens).
### Archlich's Drain Life ability doesn't affect some elementals although they are living.
by ReinierK1981: "There's at least one living creature (light elemental, maybe?) who isn't affected by the healing power off the litches. Although the enemy stack actually has "living" in its description (so either description bug or ability bug)".
This could be linked with the above bug (the elemental stack dies = no heals)
### Feuding Duchies multi map bug.
by Forsake32: Capturing the fog generating building, and then saving, exiting reloading the game generates an impenetrable fog effect for all players.
### Blazing Glory - Searing Light: wrong description ("takes 1% damage" instead of just "takes 1 damage"), and bugged
by ErendirOire: The killed creatures are lost forever (the numbers are corrected just before the winning animation, but your army isn't actually updated.
### Dreamwalker's ability "Sky and Earth" always does dmg as if the stack was 1 creature.
screens by computerlame: You can see what the tooltip displaysHERE and the actual dmg in the battle logHERE
### Centaurs affected by "Blindness" can still use "Vigilant Scout"
by ReinierK1981: "I blinded a centaur (I think), which has an ability to automatically attack the first stack that comes within half his range. The blind should prevent that (it's kinda hard to shoot when blind, right?)"
### Sun Rider/Crusader damage not affected by charge range
By ErendirOire: Charge/Blinding Charge doesn't seem to work.
mrako376 has some nice screenshots of this (thank you): this isnext to the target and this is4 squares from the target.
SaaronDart reports that it is a tooltip bug only, but ErendirOire did some tests with Flawless Assault and it seems that it is a dmg bug for the unupgraded unit, and a tooltip bug for both!
### Guardian Angel disappears if unit acts 2nd time cause of good morale. Good Morale bug?
harriel001 comments that this seems to apply to all/most things that trigger when the unit's time to take an action comes up (Agony, Regeneration, Frozen etc). It seems that when the flag to act on a turn comes up it "counts like an extra turn".
### Anathema doesn't seem to work.
by ErendirOire: "I don't get any increase in damage after using Anathema (it lowers might defense)."
### Cyclops and Enraged Cyclops Pain Tolerance ability bugged.
It seems that attacking the Cyclops after inflicting enough damage for it to die, extra attacks rest or add to the counter of turns it lives on.
Possible workaround: When sure the Cyclops has taken enough damage for it to die, DO NOT attack it further?
### Skeletons have the the Webbing Spears ability (only Skeletal Spearmen should have it).
### Exploding Spikes of Lacerators cause 25% of normal attack damage instead of 125%
by Daeavorn
### Multiple movement impairing abilities do not stack correctly.
by tatsuo111: Different slow debuffs seem not to stack. Looks like a bug, because it shows that it decreases speed but in total it uses only one debuff.
For example using slow debuff, it reduces speed by 2, and if target is hited with spear skeleton slow debuff it won't reduce speed by 1 more (even if it shows that it reduced).
Maybe the game uses only the strongest movement debuff on the unit (intended?)
### Water Elemental's "Ice Bolt" does not reduce movement to zero.
by ReinierK1981
### Pendant of Mastery doesn't seem to increase the lvl of faction abilies.
by Daeavorn
### Snatching Gloves do not grant the Snatch ability.
Maybe the game looks for Logistics as a prequisite to grant the ability??
RealJabbadoor also reports that the Snatch ability seems bugged: "Regarding the Snatch ability on an artefact, it seems that the issue is not the artefact, but the ability that isn't working. With a hero with the ability I've often been standing next to some resources with just 1 movement point left, and not being able to pick it up because I need more movement."
### Critical (Luck) attack cinematics and numbers are not consistent.
by bankai1009: Unit attack cinematic should only appear when critical damage applies. Damage number should also be red coloured to be more obvious.
Is this intended or should the cinematic camera engage at every critical?
Also the red number marking critical (luck) dmg have this incosistence.
by LastMystic: "no damage increasing when unit attacks first with luck" (need some clarification on this)
### Casualties caused from counterattacks do not display on the initiative bar.
by ReinierK1981: "Whenever you (counter)attack a stack, the amount of creatures in the stack isn't updated at all in the bar on the bottom of the screen, until the turn of that stack is over."
### Town Portals seem disabled for heros hired after they are built.
by Godewijn: "Bought a hero, she can't use the town teleporter. Not even after a new turn.
EDIT: on a hunch I built a teleporter in some random other town, yes NOW she has the ability!"
Advanced teleporter seems to have the same issue.
The issue may reside with the slot the hero is in (visiting vs garrisoned).
### Equipping Dynasty weapons multiple times (equip-unequip multiple times) makes stat bonuses stack indefinitely.
This also affects bonuses granted to creatures at the hero's army (they keep the bonuses after the weapon is unequipped).
In addition players report that bonuses from Dynasty weapons when transfered from chapter to chapter of a campaign, need a re-equip to display and be applied.
Is this a glitch in the interface or is it truly stacking to infinite amounts? Either way it needs fixing.
### Griffon's Roar for the Griffon's blade (Dynasty Weapon) seems bugged.
by aschilz: "The level 4 ability Griffon's Roar for the Griffon's blade (Dynasty Weapon) seems to properly appear as a passive ability within the heroes passive skill view list, but I don't see a corresponding status effect on any enemies in combat (I believe it lowers enemy morale by 5). Possibly affects enemies as intended without status effect listed under creature tooltip?"
### Using quick combat does not award Dynasty experience.
by PaladinOfMM: The same user also experiences failure to sync saved games in the Conflux (linked events)?
### Reinforments ability seems bugged.
by harriel001 & bankai1009: "The tool tip says: 'Reinforcements above the stack's original limit cannot be healed and will not remain in the army after combat.'
To me this means that if I reinforce a damaged stack only the units over the original limit of the stack will be lost after combat. It also means that if reinforcement doesn't go over the stack's max then none of the units should be lost after combat.
After a handful of fights I've found neither of these to be the case. The reinforcement units don't stay after combat even if the stack is below the original limit when combat ends. If I reinforce a damaged stack and still have room to heal the stack I can heal it to the original limit, but even then after combat ends I lose the reinforcement units."
& by Mist_Weaver: "If Reinforcements is applied to a stack after any of the target creatures have been killed it prevents resurrection and healing of those lost troops."
### Having Emerald Yumi Bow equipped still displays Ranged Penalty cursor (possibly does not grant ability at all).
by aschilz: "With the off-hand bow artifact that eliminates range-penalty equipped I still get a broken arrow icon when targeting enemies within castle walls."
and by goodrix: "The epic artifact "Emerald Yumi Bow" does not apply the "ignore range or obstacle" bonus (tested on skeletons)."
### AI seems unable to garrison ranged units at tower during siege combat.
by aschilz: (Maybe this is linked to difficulty lvl? Easy & Normal --> no garrison, Hard --> garrison??)
### The Enlightened specialization (Enlightment with 10% bonus) is bugged.
by Garlandiel: A hired hero with educated perk gains 2750 XP from a monolith (that's 2500+10% from perk only), while a hero with any other perk and Enlightment skill gets 3125 XP (2500 + 25%)
### Yuki-Onna Ice Shards ability appears to have a 3 turns duration which is not stated in the tooltip. Also its animation stays on the battle field after it expires (doing nothing)
by computerlame (nice catch, ty)
### Some captured Blood Crystal mines do not supply Blood Crystals in some skirmish maps!
by Draniah: ScreenshotHERE. (anyone can recognise the map?)
### Capturing a non flagged (neutral) mine in enemy controlled territory, causes it to pass to enemy control when the friendly hero that captured it leaves.
by ReinierK1981: "When you capture a neutral mine in enemy territory, it becomes the enemies mine when you leave it. That's not fair, since the enemy never captured it in the first place (it should go back to neutral again)".
### Pressed Attack with Staff of Sandro equipped grants 200% ability dmg effect.
by Frozenkex: "Im playing with Anastasya with Staff of Sandro and after hitting a target by ranged(not sure if matters) with Pressed Attack on, next turn all my abilities start to do more than double the damage, weird since ive found nothing that explains it." 改完这些BUG,起码要到明年吧,黑洞工作量大了 “高端老牌理智玩家” 看了下你的问题 至少有2条是因为 不仔细看造成的 细腻玩家 heh 7楼给的太详细了点。不过我说的是游戏本身的东西,重心不是说中文版和英文版的差距。 我说细腻是因为比较重视操作。 为什么我想吐槽“高端老牌理智玩家”?? 正常,因为没几个“高端细腻玩家”。哈哈。。。 欢乐帖...