MS问题还好严重``只要转身就会贴图延迟的了``有解决办法吗 vt_maxPPFvt_maxPPF controls the maximum number of texture pages the engine will try to transcode in a frame. The default value is 128, which is also the max. For reference, those 128 texture pages are the equivalent of a texture 2048x1024 in size. The challenge is that the transcode ‘work’ lives as jobs, and if too many are submitted in a single frame it might be two or more frames before they complete. If the CPU is too slow this can cause a delay between the jobs being submitted and completed, thereby making the pop-in worse.
The ideal situation is where the engine manages to submit and complete a set of jobs every frame. If your CPU isn’t fast enough, reducing the pages per frame (vt_maxPPF) or turning on GPU Transcode can help. Reducing the pages per frame prevents missed frames by reducing the workload, and turning on GPU Transcode reduces the CPU load per page. Working together, the texture streaming problems are reduced greatly, if not eliminated.
Bethesda and id Software recommend that users experiencing texture streaming issues add vt_maxPPF 16 to their rageconfig.cfg in an attempt to alleviate these issues, or vt_maxPPF 8 if the system being used only has a Dual Core CPU.
If these values do not improve the texture streaming performance consider lowering the Anti-Aliasing setting in the in-game options menu. For example, you may observe slow texture streaming at high resolutions such as 2500x1600 with Anti-Aliasing set to 16X. In some cases lowering the level of Anti-Aliasing to 8X fixes the problem in concert with the above changes, but lowering settings further may also be required. Alternatively, or in addition, you can lower the resolution. {:3_91:}貌似贴图延迟与N卡还是A卡无关 我的460。14,16,18延迟已经很小了。 vt_maxPPF
vt_maxPPF controls the maximum number of texture pages the engine will try to transcode i ...
田鼠 发表于 2011-10-8 15:36 http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif
翻译呀``是不是昨天说会出补丁来修改的话? 我的460。14,16,18延迟已经很小了。
bigfire0343 发表于 2011-10-8 15:40 http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif
是针对RAGE出的吗 ID本身就是一个纯粹靠技术来吃饭的公司,所以剧情什么的也就不是强项了,从论坛里看,貌似这个游戏的评价很不高啊。 回复 1# MUHONDA
启GPU 转码。能对延迟有一定帮助。 我E5300+GTS250+2GB在1440X900分辨率不开抗锯齿下一点也不卡,就是贴图延迟令我有点不想玩这游戏了,尤其是大场面,一转身就看见模糊的贴图,转过来另一边又贴图延迟。还有一个问题就是为什么调了抗锯齿x16后按“接受”之后,会黑屏然后自动关闭游戏???又是BUG了?{:3_56:} 贴图延迟是因为CPU渣了,解决办法降resolution,降Anti-Aliasing或者修改rageconfig.cfg文件 GTS250`8G内存`AMDX4640``CPU应该过得去吧? 还有什么解决办法吗 i5 760也有延迟,这cpu不高端,但也不是渣吧。。。。 i5 760也有延迟,这cpu不高端,但也不是渣吧。。。。
zhongnh 发表于 2011-10-8 16:30 http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif
就是``应该是游戏本身设置问题吧??我看很多人都这个问题 {:3_153:} 据说I7以下的. 都延迟了. 除非官方出补丁. 自己就别折腾了 果然是cpu的问题,我的a卡几个驱动版本都很流畅。只有延迟的问题,i3的u,,, 回复 9# 至IN枪手
低端机你敢开X16? 想烧卡吗?游戏自动退出是为了你好很人性化。 回复 17# Nicolasking
{:3_50:} 这个BUG真的挺人性化{:3_160:} 回复 8# javacoffer
是嘛?我四核,4G 内存,5850 一样的花~~ 看来我得等八核才能玩游戏了~~~ I7,6G内存一样延迟 回复 19# markminiko
只要驱动的问题不解决,你换16核的CPU还是白搭。 跟CPU有个毛关系,其他游戏也没见出现这种渣情况。 试试最新的显卡驱动吧。不行只有坐等大大们答疑了。 i7 16G内存 GTX460一样延迟呀