Hello Heroes,You asked us several times about new challenges of Heroes 6, skill system, general balance in the game, townscreens. You may discover new information in this Q&A! Check it out now!
“Heroes 6 is a challenging game!
Our aim for Heroes 6 was to develop the fun parts of the game and trim all unnecessary repetitive, tedious tasks.We have found ways to reduce the time spent in repetitive micromanagement (for instance using “mule” heroes to carry troops and flag isolated mines over and again across already-explored and emptied areas).This way, we can really focus on what makes the Heroes series so enjoyable (capturing and developing towns, expanding your empire, selecting and leveling up your heroes, experiencing countless tactics on the battle maps, etc.).We have also purged the random choices and inconsistent prerequisites to put you, the player, in complete control of your choices.We have done our best to ensure that the consequences of your actions were logical and meaningful.Compared to today’s standards, Heroes 6 is a game that is amazingly rich, deep, and dense!For instance, there are over 200 hero abilities in the game, and they combine with your creature abilities, your artifacts, and even some abilities granted by specific buildings in your town.
The New Skill System
With this new skill system, you have the freedom to build the Hero you want. We wanted Heroes 6 to offer a wide panel of choices and strategies to keep you entertained for months and years. Some abilities may seem a bit “marginal” at first glance, but that’s because they are meant to support creative strategies – their true potential has yet to be discovered. They can also seem optional when playing in easy and normal difficulty level, but they become clearly more useful in higher difficulty levels. We can’t wait to see the strategies and ability combos our most skilled players will develop in the upcoming months! JOne of the immediate consequences of such an extensive and freeform skill system is the necessity to test and balance it.We’ve patched the game four times during our Beta-test period to balance the hero and creatures abilities, notably Gating, Necromancy, and thevarious “healing / resurrection” abilities, that have all been drastically revised.Stats from the Beta show that we have made significant progresses to address the game’s overall balance.But of course fine-tuning a strategy game is an ongoing process and we will continue to do it in future updates, even after release.
Resurrection and general balance in the game (what will we do?)
One of the immediate consequences of such an extensive and freeform skill system is the necessity to test and balance it. Following the beta-testers’ feedbacks, the game was delayed to October 13th in order to allow a greater balancing of the hero and creatures abilities, notably for the various “healing” abilities. But of course balancing a strategy game is an ongoing process and we will continue to fine-tune it in future updates, even after release.
The Townscreens
We all agree on the fact that the townscreens must be revised, and although we won’t be able to change them for release, rest assured that this feature update is on the top of our priority list in our post-launch support plan. (我们都同意目前的城镇界面需要修改,虽然我们不能在正式发行时推出,但是请放心,城镇界面功能已经是我们售后服务计划中的头等大事)日啊 等了大半年了,现在才说要改,跳票4个月都干嘛去了?改了再买!
The M&M’s team” 出dlc卖钱么...... 这年头有多少游戏不出dlc的? H系列出的都是上几个G的资料片…而且都加入了大量新鲜内容像种族、技能啥的…比起那些几十M百把M的剧情DLC来说…你觉得哪个坑爹? 拿H5来说…出的都是上几个G的资料片…而且都加入了大量新鲜内容像种族、技能啥的…比起那些几十M百把M的剧情DLC来说…你觉得哪个坑爹? 要是DLC 那就太坑爹了,最好是已patch 形式放出,否则看他怎么混! 很期待城镇界面会变成什么样 期待啊期待 这个肯定要等到第一个资料片才能实现了,不过这个属于无关紧要的部分 做成5代的城镇界面那样漂亮 回复 9# yaqfish
H系列没了townscreen很多核心玩家会哭的…所以…大势所趋不得不改回来… 因为正式版已经压盘了改不了了吧? 回复 11# 376845146
色翼是谁,能分享一下他的帖子吗? 回合制游戏木有唉~~~~ 期待啊,不过估计最终做出来不咋地.
回复 13# youfire色翼表示不蛋定了…玩英雄无敌的敢不认识我!
百度下英雄世界(不是那个坑爹的页游)…中国最权威各代英雄无敌资料站…其下论坛…游戏人的家的总版主——邪翼,又名Evilp、肉E、色翼…传说级人物…传说程度由于本人H系列起步太晚…不得而知…帖子多的数不清…实在难以分享… 回复 13# youfire
可参考 http://www.gamerhome.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=353245&extra=page%3D2 不仅功能界面要改,最好连建筑效果也换掉,5里墓园的城太美了 回复 18# licuxinka
这个不太可能了…光头大哥说了…界面类似于H3 H4那种…动态2D比较可能…旋转3D基本无望了…我也觉得遗憾…