本帖最后由 jshywh 于 2011-9-27 11:36 编辑Greetings from Blizzard Entertainment!
We’re gearing up for the forthcoming launch of Diablo III and would like to extend you an invitation to participate in the beta test. If you are interested in participating, you need to have a Battle.net account, which you can create on our Battle.net website.
We will flag you for access to the Diablo III beta test when we begin admitting press. You do not need to go through the opt-in process.
To secure your place among the first of Sanctuary’s heroes,Please use the following template below to verify your account and information via email.
* Name:
* Battle.account name:
* Password:
* Country:
* E-mail Address:
Thanks and see you all in the Burning Hells!
发件地址为diablo3 <[email protected]>
邮件名称为:Diablo III beta test invitation!
网上看了下是欺诈邮件。呵呵~~~不过noreply的邮件收了N多了呀! 你中奖了 。。。估计是骗人的。。。。貌似他想邀请你参加beta测试。。。。。但又向你要password。。。。。。不知道是不是真的 玻璃渣给你 暗黑3的BATE测试账号了? * Password: 一切以要密码的行为都是耍流氓。 看不懂是啥子意思 别回,肯定是骗人的,暴雪不会向你要账户密码的 我也收到了。。