RailWorks 3: Train Simulator 2012 9月23号发布 期待一下
本帖最后由 zzz3827296 于 2011-9-22 11:08 编辑Q: 什么是 Train Simulator 2012?
A: 首先,由 RailSimulator.com 出品的 Train Simulator 2012 跟 Auran 出品的 Trainz Simulator 12 是两个不同的游戏。
Train Simulator 2012 是 RailWorks 2 的续作,此次开发基于新的 TSX 游戏引擎,Train Simulator 2012 将会是最逼真的铁路列车模拟游戏,精美的画面和音效,加上许多高质量的插件,以及开发工具,让你构建自己的铁路世界。
RailWorks 3: Train Simulator 2012 将于今年9月23日发布。
* Multiple‐source dynamic lighting: allows streetlights & headlights to illuminate the ground and nearby objects
* 多源动态照明:街道灯光、车头灯光照亮地面和周边景物
* Extended terrain draw distance and terrain shadows
* 扩展的地形绘制距离和地形阴影
* Multiple‐headed consists to allow consists to be powered by different types of traction
* 重联的编组能有不同牵引类型
* Particle effects on locomotive windows – e.g. rain drops
* 机车窗户上能有粒子效果 - 例如雨滴
* Working wipers which clear away rain drops
* 雨刷能清除雨滴
* Improved skies with stars and moving clouds
* 改善的天空效果,星光灿烂,云层飘动
* Water with depth and reflections of nearby objects and terrain
* 有深度的水域,表面反射周边景物和地形
* Depth of field can be switched on to give a camera focus effect
* 可开启景深效果
* Soft shadows mimic real daylight shadows
* 软阴影模拟真实的日光影子
* Consist speed limits realistically enforced
* 编组限速更真实
* Improved track unevenness and cab camera movement increasing with speed
* 改善的轨道不平整度,在驾驶室视角随速度增加产生抖动
* Smoothing of vertical curves on tracks.
* 轨道坡度变化更平缓
* New, user interface and loading screens
* 新的游戏界面和加载画面
* Superelevation creates accurate simulation of curved tracks
* 弯道外轨超高,列车过弯倾斜
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjg3MzIyMzYw.html 这是贴图区 发视频请到视屏区