老放 发表于 2011-9-16 16:35

请问Wrye Flash NV (Wrye Bash for Fallout New Vegas)是干什么用的

本帖最后由 老放 于 2011-9-16 16:49 编辑

= Wrye Flash NV (Wrye Bash for Fallout New Vegas) =============================
== Credits and Contact ========================================================
=== Authors
* **Original Code**
* Wrye Team: Gurus of the Oblivion modding.
* **Porting**
* Valda: Hentai gentleman of mojave.
=== Contact
* If you have a question/comment about Wrye Flash, it's best to post it on the current RELZ topic on the Bethesda Game Studios (BGS) forums.
* Please **NEVER** post a question about Wrye Flash in the topic of original Wrye Bash.
== License ===================================================================
Wrye Flash is released under Version 2 of the GNU General Public License. See enclosed gpl.txt file for license00 details.
== Versions ===================================================================
**All versions by Wrye team and or Valda unless otherwise noted.**
=== 14.4
* Fixed a bug that doesn't newline in the first line of plugins.txt.
=== 14.3
* Bugfixes from Wrye Bash 295(svn).
* TES4 version 1.30 is treated as valid now.
* Fixed an error in the list patch config.
=== 14.2
* Fixed a bug that cannot run scan UDR.
* Fixed a bug that throwing error from fomm path correction.
=== 14.1
* Rebase to Wrye Bash 294.2.
* Program-wide Changes:
* Wrye Bash has a new directory layout!Now the Mopy directory just contains important files that you can run.All other files have been moved into subdirectories.
* Please delete the old Mopy directory before copying the new one in to get rid of the old files
* Your configuration will get converted to a new format on first load which will not be readable by older versions of Wrye Bash, so be sure to back up your settings when you upgrade so they will be available if you ever need to downgrade again
* Python 2.5x and under compatibility: warn that those are unsupported versions but if the user really wants to use em anyways make some changes so that it is less likely to fail as much.
* Updated Japanese Translation (contributed by 175175).
* Added fnv4gb launcher.
=== 13
* Preliminary support for BOSS 1.8 (from WryeBash 293).
* Fixed an author name of skeleton esp bundled in "Mopy/Extras/Bashed Patch, 0.esp".
=== 12
* Support for BOSS 1.7 (from WryeBash 292).
=== 11
* Fixed a error of ini key.
* Removed some ini tweaks.
* Taglist updated to BOSS masterlist revision 2645.
=== 10
* Bashed Patch:
* Added support for Dead Money DLC.
* Fixed a bug in Graphics patcher.
* Omitted a function to discard empty sublist of FLST.
* Added condition function definitions.
* Ports from latest Wrye Bash.
* Fixed 'Open at TesNexus' to work with the new format (still works with the old format ofc) (from WryeBash 291).
* Read-Only files in installers (or in Data on uninstall) will no longer throw errors (automatically converted to non-ReadOnly) (from WryeBash 291).
* Some minor improvements and bug fixes.
* Taglist updated to BOSS masterlist revision 2460.
=== 9
* Fixed a bug that memory error is thrown at the bsafile scan.
* Fixed a bug in Graphics patcher.
=== 8
* Fixed a bug which Sound patcher raises an exception.
=== 7
* Names Tweak: Sort inventory supported book/magazine and caravan cards.
* Added support new FOMM (The installation path of FOMM can be changed in bash.ini).
* Support for BsaRedirection specifications after the official patch.
* Fixed a bug that wasn't considering the owner and condition attribute at leveledlist merger (reported by Space Oden69).
* Fixed a bug in Graphics patcher (reported by Space Oden69).
* Added WeaponMods bashtag.
* Sound tag came to import the weapon sound.
* Added Destructible tag (same as Destructable).
* Taglist updated to BOSS masterlist revision 1851.
=== 6
* Fixed a bug that raise exception when importing ItemData from CSV.
* Add GMST Tweak: Terminal Speed Adjustment (referred from HackRate: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2745).
* Update BOSS launch code (from WryeBash 291).
* Fixed CCRD.INTV subrecord structure (reported by platycus).
=== 5
* Fixed a definition of BPTD.BPND subrecord struct.
* Fixed a definition of WEAP.SNAM (reported by Space Oden69).
* Added 'animationMultiplier' and 'animationAttackMultiplier' to the import object of Stats tag.
* Added support for NVSE.
* Updated 'masterupdate setup.bat' for FNVEdit (contributed by Sativarg).
* Copied and pasted a BOSS launch code from WB291(svn).
* Taglist updated to BOSS masterlist revision 1822.
=== 4
* Fixed/Added so many record definitions.
* Some tags came to import NV attributes.
* Updated Russian translation (contributed by DJ_Kovrik).
* Fixed so that fallout_default.ini might be updated instead of the write-protected fallout.ini.
* Taglist updated to BOSS masterlist revision 1820.
=== 3
* Fixed/Added many record definitions.
* Fixed/Added many condition function definitions.
* Added NVMM launcher.
* Remove ammo weight names tweak.
=== 2
* Saves tab works.
* Masterlist editor of savedata works.
* Some tweaks works.
* update icons.
* Added FNVEdit launcher.
=== 1
* Branch from Wrye Flash 21.
* Only BAIN works.



killbabes 发表于 2011-9-16 17:03


老放 发表于 2011-9-16 17:15

killbabes 发表于 2011-9-16 17:03 http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif


lzcxxxyyy 发表于 2011-9-16 17:40

哦 这个上古就有了,可以合并MOD,检测冲突,换脸,等功能

1041643158 发表于 2011-9-16 17:46

回复 4# lzcxxxyyy


lzcxxxyyy 发表于 2011-9-16 17:56

回复 5# 1041643158


a9214 发表于 2011-9-16 18:29

本帖最后由 a9214 于 2011-9-16 18:31 编辑



1. LZ僅提供了本體,實際上需要先安裝Python 2.6才能執行。
    下載那個Wrye Python 04a,其他的是上古4用的。
2. 把LZ提供的文件解開到遊戲目錄下
3. 去遊戲目錄\Mopy\Extras\Bashed Patch, 0.esp複製到遊戲目錄\Data下,並且排序到你所有mod之下

進入遊戲目錄下的Mopy,點Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw

我可以把一些美化類的修改集中到Bashed Patch, 0.esp,而不會動到美化以外的NPC能力數值。
Bashed Patch, 0.esp


用wb選取NPC美化,在wb的視窗右下角有個Bash Tag的空間,對這空間按下右鍵,勾選跟所有美化相關的項目,如eye,hair,Body-F,Body-M,NpcFaces,NPC.Class等。
接著點選Bashed Patch, 0.esp,右鍵菜單選"Rebuild Patch",就會收集所有Bash Tag的內容合併進來。Bashed Patch, 0.esp的大小會跟之前不同。

Bashed Patch, 0.esp 的功能不僅是合併,還包含了一些常用的小mod功能,
在Rebuild Patch->Tweak Setting中,就一堆如修正自動瞄準,修改跳的高度等。


a9214 发表于 2011-9-16 18:35


lzcxxxyyy 发表于 2011-9-16 18:39

回复 8# a9214

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查看完整版本: 请问Wrye Flash NV (Wrye Bash for Fallout New Vegas)是干什么用的