Yes, the other projects don't let you play but they let you login, you just get stuck while loading the character creation screen. These are the only 2 working public Emu's: https://github.com/komiga/d3proto and https://github.com/raistlinthewiz/d3sharp you can see a screenshot here: http://oi51.tinypic.com/28hj1ww.jpghttp://oi51.tinypic.com/28hj1ww.jpg
I found them on the Wiki at this page: http://diablo3dev.com/w/Contrib while the other projects listed here aren't completed yet and give some errors 求翻译。。。。。。 貌似是说能进去 但是没东西玩 意思是卡在载入人物创建画面 网址基本翻译为黑玻璃渣 网 这消息可信么? 意思是破解已出,正在上传,请玩家稍等片刻。 哥来翻译个拙劣版的
Yes, the other projects don't let you play but they let you login, you just get stuck while loading the character creation screen. These are the only 2 working public Emu's: https://github.com/komiga/d3proto and https://github.com/raistlinthewiz/d3sharp you can see a screenshot here: http://oi51.tinypic.com/28hj1ww.jpg
后面是bla bla bla...网址,图片地址。
I found them on the Wiki at this page: http://diablo3dev.com/w/Contrib while the other projects listed here aren't completed yet and give some errors