Diablo III Beta Patch 3 – v.
Diablo III Beta Patch 3 – v.
Public Games are once again available to players. To help us test this automated matchmaking feature,click on "Campaign" and then select "Public Games."The number of characters playing the selected public quest will now display in the Public Games menu.
The Diablo III Auction House is coming soon (http://us.battle.net/d3/en/services/auction-house/)! During the beta launch of this system, the following features will be enabled:Gold-based equipment exchange
Bid, auto-bid, and buyout functionality
Slot-based search filters
Toast notifications to track auction progress
The ability to put items up for auction directly from the shared stash
是不是公测要开始了。。哈 不过看论坛上哪BUG多的。。这样下去。。。等2012出正式版吧。。哈。。哪个的什么创建,删除角色等大问题还没解决。。。{:3_174:} 公测不打算把PVP放上去啊....