ducksuper 发表于 2011-9-14 22:46



我本着自己动手丰衣足食的想法 在论坛里分别下载了

职业技能扩展包修正_v1_82-1399(CHS).rar (一个庞大的专精(达到要求自动会),天赋,法术MOD,汉化)

职业技能扩展包Class_and_Specialization_Pack_v1_83b-1399-1-83b.7z (上一个的更新,BUG修正,兼容噬魂者MOD,英文)


到了最后 发现1.83B新增加了一些内容 可能是专精或者职业什麽的 因为本人的英文不好(特别是这种涉及这种游戏内容的东西更是一头雾水)

想过求助GOOGLE 但是怕不准确 而且不能做到信达雅这个要求~~

现在把后面的内容发出来 也不算多 几十行 希望能得到坛友们的一些帮助~ 谢谢了!

-Essence Thief

-Essence Thieves

-Specialization Bonus: 5% Spirit Resistance

Essence Thieves, for whatever reason, always wish to be someone or something else. Their abilities allow them to absorb others'beneficial attributes and make them their won.

-Essence Thief Tooltip

-Syphon Vitality

-For a short time, the target receives a penalty to strength and constitution while the essence thief receives a bonus to strengthand constitution.

-Syphon Essence

-For a short time, the target receives a penalty to magic and willpower while the essence thief receives a bonus to magic andwillpower.

-Essence Assimilation

-If a target's soul is devoured while under the effects of Syphon Vitality or Syphon Essence, the essence thief receives apermanent boost to the absorbed attributes.

-Essence Manifestation

-The essence thief can now take the form of any creature whom they have devoured since learning Essence Assimilation.

-Wolf Essence

-Mabari Essence

-Werewolf Essence

-Bear Essence

-Spider Essence

-Poisonous Spider Essence

-Deep Stalker Essence

-Bronto Essence

-Dragonling Essence

-Drake Essence

-Dragon Essence

-High Dragon Essence

-Wisp Essence

-Ash Wraith Essence

-Rage Demon Essence

-Shade Essence

-Desire Demon Essence

-Pride Demon Essence

-The essence thief assumes the form of the devoured creature, gaining all of its abilities and resistances while this ability isactive.

Requires the Essence Manifestation ability.

-Gains the abilities and resistances of the activated essence.

-Massive Attack - Front Right

-Massive Attack - Front Right 2

-Massive Attack - Front Right 3

-Massive Attack - Front Left

-Massive Attack - Front Left 2

-Massive Attack - Front Left 3

-Massive Attack - Back Right

-Massive Attack - Back Right 2

-Massive Attack - Back Right 3

-Massive Attack - Back Left

-Massive Attack - Back Left 2

-Massive Attack - Back Left 3

-Grab - Right

-Grab - Left

-The creature lunges at an opponent and tears at it with powerful jaws. If the attack hits, it is an automatic critical hit. Ifthe target can bleed, it takes additional damage for a short time.

-The creature charges at its enemy, dealing normal damage if the attack hits and knocking the opponent down unless it passes aphysical resistance check.

-The creature leaps upon its target, pinning it to the ground and attacking it repeatedly.

-The creature lets out a loud howl, reducing the defense of all enemies nearby unless they pass a mental resistance check.

-Strength and Constitution absortion.

-Magic and Willpower absortion.

gbaoye 发表于 2011-9-15 09:06


gbaoye 发表于 2011-9-15 09:15


gbaoye 发表于 2011-9-21 00:09

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 关于DAO职业技能扩展包Class_and_Specialization_Pack_v1_83b-1399-1-83b的汉化