[MOD]《超级街霸4AE》场景替换MOD 转自国外 更新使用方法
本帖最后由 WSguanyu 于 2011-9-13 17:16 编辑转自国外论坛 地址http://shoryuken.com/forum/index.php?threads/ssf4ae-pc-custom-skin-thread.140225/page-37
The time to release the Ultra Light Stage Mod has come (see end of post for the 2 download links) !
While the file is being uploaded, here's a complete overview of the mod (I'll repost some stuff already posted before so that this post is "complete") :
[*]21 brand new stages, with new selection screen pictures and text[*]All the stages are based on the original stages'locations[*]Music that fits each stage's atmosphere[*]Mutes the announcer before the fight, so that he doesn't say the name of the original stage[*]Comes in two versions : one for ENG characters'names (Bison=Dictator), one for JPN characters'names (Bison=Boxer)
An overview of the Stage Select screen for each stage :
A list of the 21 stages and their associated BGM :
STG_AFR -- DJIBOUTI -- USAF Airfield (Guile)
STG_BRA -- BRAZIL -- Tropical Jungle (Blanka)
STG_BRX -- PERU -- Mountain Cliff (T-Hawk)
STG_CHN -- CHINA -- Village Street (Chun-Li)
STG_CNX -- CHINA -- Courtyard by the Sea (Feil Long)
STG_EUR -- SPAIN -- Dead or Live TV Show (Claw)
STG_JPN -- JAPAN -- Snowy Night (Ryu slow)
STG_JPX -- JAPAN -- Sakura’s Home (Sakura)
STG_LAB -- UNKNOWN -- End of the World (Dictator)
STG_RUS -- USSR -- Steelworks (Zangief)
STG_RVR -- JAPAN -- Zen Garden (Rush of the Wind)
STG_SCO -- SCOTLAND -- Continental Forest (Cammy)
STG_USA -- USA -- Back Alley (Ken)
STG_VCN -- LOST ISLAND -- Pirate Cove (DJ)
STG_VIE -- THAILAND -- Ancient Ruins (Adon)
STG_VNX -- THAILAND -- Ancient Fighting Arena (Sagat)
STG_BLD -- USA -- Suburban Street (Viper)
STG_IND -- INDIA -- Desert Ruins (Dalhsim)
STG_KOR -- KOREA -- Old Cemetery (Gouki)
STG_AFX -- EGYPT -- Lost Tomb (Hakan)
STG_LBX -- UNKNOWN -- Secret Laboratory (Seth)
Here are the credits for the mod:
a.Most of the stages of this mod were created using art from:
- Xoliul and Wahlgren -- Street Fighter 2 Guile's stage remake (USAF Airfield)
- Bbox85 -- Samurai Shodown TamTam's stage remake (Tropical Jungle)
- d1ver -- Soul Calibur 3's "Water Mill Valley" remake (Village Street ; Ancient Fighting Arena)
- itsmadman (http://www.rashadmadison.com/) -- X-Men vs Street Fighter "Dead Or Live "The Show"" remake (Dead or Live TV Show)
- seforin -- Mortal Kombat 3 Cyrax/Jades'Desert stage remake (End of the World)
- lonelysquare -- Street Fighter 2 Zangief's stage remake (Steelworks)
- r4ptur3 -- Street Fighter 3rd Strike Makoto's stage remake (Zen Garden)
- Mark Dygert -- The Last Blade Zantetsu's stage remake (Pirate Cove)
- Tobeeffle and Mr_mout -- Street Fighter 3 Alex's stage remake (Suburban Street)
- Gannon -- Mortal Kombat's "Bell Tower" remake (Desert Ruins)
- EzMeow -- The Last Blade Kaede's stage remake (Old Cemetery)
- Faf -- Soul Calibur II's "Egyptian Temple" remake (Lost Tomb)
- ParoXum -- "Devoter Spaceship" based on Guilty Gear XX's FRASCO (Secret Laboratory)
b.The other stages are based on original material coming from:
- Marvel vs Capcom Stage 9 (Mountain Cliff)
- The Last Blade Kaede's stage (Courtyard by the Sea)
- Street Fighter Zero 2 Ryu's stage (Snowy Night)
- Street Fighter Zero 2 Sakura's stage(Sakura’s Home)
- Street Fighter vs Capcom (Continental Forest)
- Street Fighter 3 Alex stage (Back Alley)
- Street Fighter Zero 3 Adon stage (Ancient Ruins)
The usage rights:
You are not allowed to use any of the textures credited in the (a) section of the credits without asking the authorization to their author first, would it be for a free amateur mod or anything else.
You are free to use the textures credited in the (b) section of the credits section in non-commercial mods. You are not allowed to sell them or claim them as your own work.
And the thanks:
I would like to thank every single person that helped me out building this mod, and especially the people credited above for allowing me to use their work. The result doesn't do their art justice, just go see for yourself how good it really looks http://shoryuken.com/forum/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/wink.png
All the stages, plus around 10 others, will be available as single Training Stages mods later on (individually or in pack(s), haven't decided yet).
The mod is packed to install in the "patch1a" folder, thus not overwriting any original files. See readme for full details.
The mod comes in two .7z archives:
其实这么多英文我也看不太懂 我只是个转帖的
但是经过研究 发现替换MOD的路径是这个 Capcom\Super Street Fighter IV\resource 也就是大家换人物MOD的文件夹
换MOD的 解压出文件后 把patch1a文件夹的文件复制到resource文件夹下 就可以达到替换效果
那个ENG_CHAR_NAMES和JPN_CHAR_NAMES文件加对应你的游戏版本 也是把里面的patch1a文件夹下的文件复制到resource文件夹下 用这东西会影响上live网战吗 回复 3# 拉克丝守护者
这个应该不会 人物的MOD都能换 换场景的MOD应该不影响上LIVE
用MOD的话是只有你自己看到效果 别人没改过的看到的还是原来的 作者真是敬业,做了全套。支持下。 新场景新感觉,支持啊~~ 精神上大力支持。。。。。。。。。。。 牛掰了~~~~~{:3_48:} 支持帮云 谢谢 也谢谢作者 原来的场景也非常棒啊,实在不忍心换!~~纯顶了! 这个东西一定要顶 能单独换就好了 很好的MOD场景 这个是利用训练模式的地图的模型 替换的吧 这个太给力。 谢谢分享了 能用其中一场景替换成训练场景吗?能的话望告知方法。 lz能写下用法么?看到这些mod很好看但是不会替换和备份原文件啊{:3_134:} 不会用,留名备用。 场景里有活动的观众吗? 牛 换个感觉 这些替换的场景是3D的还是2D的 回复 21# karuwa
看图片你觉得像2D的么? 转自国外论坛 地址
The time to release the Ultra Light Stage Mod has come (see end of po ...
WSguanyu 发表于 2011-9-10 23:21 http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif
直接放根目录 喜欢原来的场景直接把1A文件夹改名比较方便 光看图片还真看不出 是3D最好了 我也换来试试 我换了,谁给我一个原包,我想换回去,没备份。。 2D场景,就像练习模式那样后面就是一张图。但是对低配机器很好用,可以开高画质了。 谢谢楼主分享,谢谢作者做出这样的好动西。 回复 1# WSguanyu
楼主大人,过期了。下载不了啦。重新发布下好不,这帖子我昨天才看到的 回复 29# 大大大大雄
已经全部续期了 去下吧年轻人