本帖最后由 heqinlin 于 2011-9-8 16:47 编辑想要申请beta KEY的朋友自己注册美国战网去申请吧,几率总比国内大点,WY的预订系统就是坑爹呀。申请方法如下:不懂英文的就用词霸自己慢慢查。其实很简单。(话说不懂英文你玩毛的BETA呀)
you can access it by visiting http://us.battle.net/en/and clicking the Account button on the upper right. Then, to opt into the beta, just click the Games & Codes section of your Account Management page, and then select the Beta Profile Settings option from the drop-down menu. You’ll be prompted to download the System Check beta opt-in application; running it will opt you in to the Diablo III beta. If your system specifications change, you can run the System Check application again to update your information.
While running the System Check application doesn’t guarantee you a place in the Diablo III beta, we wish you luck and hope to see you in Sanctuary. 等公测吧 更新一次删一次档 亲友测试没意义 公测不知道要等到何时去了。有得玩的话就先熟悉一下环境也不错。
BTW,楼上的签名我喜欢。 早就申请了
邮箱啥都没{:3_172:} 外国账号要求至少注册了一个完整的游戏,如魔兽,星际2,才能上传配置信息有机会获得激活码…… How are beta test participants selected from the opt-in pool?
Beta testers are chosen according to their system specifications and other factors, including an element of luck. Our goal is to have a good variety of system types to best test compatibility.
Will there be any other ways to get into the beta besides the opt-in?
We’ll very likely be providing beta entry giveaways through various promotions on our sites, as well as through our official fansites. We’ll have information available on these promotions as they approach. 10块钱买个暗黑2的KEY,估计能行得通~ 我有魔兽争霸的key,呵呵 对,有一个“full version” 的 key 就可以申请那beta了
但不知道几率有多少。 回复 5# jimlikesjb
剛好我有台服的帳號,昨天就申請了,今天巴巴的等著呢 回复 10# darkrebel
怪不得 我的战网账号本来是us注册的, 几代的魔兽,diablo都绑上去了.
后来大陆战网开通, 直接把我的账号转给网易, 绑定的游戏全部丢掉.