官方消息:最新DLC「The Missing Link」將在十月與玩家見面
本帖最后由 cavofray 于 2011-9-5 13:53 编辑原文:
The Deus Ex: Human Revolution conspiracy grows deeper in The Missing Link. During Adam's quest for the truth in Deus Ex: Human Revolution, he mysteriously vanishes for three days. Where was he? What did he find out? The Missing Link reveals it all.
After being tortured by Belltower agents and having his augmentations disabled, Adam Jensen must rely solely on his basic capabilities to escape from a freighter, destined for an unknown location. While fighting for his survival on the ship, he uncovers another layer to the conspiracy that he never would have suspected. As Adam, befriend new, mysterious allies and fight ruthless enemies to discover what was happening in the shadows during the events of Deus Ex: Human Revolution!
-New layers of conspiracy unveiled
-Sprawling new environments
-Brand-new characters to interact with
-Rebuild Adam's augmentation set from scratch. Build up a brand new Adam!
What is The Missing Link? You'll find out soon...
DLC「The Missing Link」探尋更加深入的陰謀謎團。在亞當的追求的真相的過程中,他神秘地消失了三天。他在哪裡?他發現了什麼?「The Missing Link」將公諸這一切。
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这游戏又没有继承系统 也就是说要是想玩其内容必须重头开始玩 回复 2# avbbc