如果打了队友无限然后让队友呆在一个地方(比如地下掩体)那么做会对他长任务点数的任务(比如让布恩呆在地下掩体然后去做“我诅咒你”)会不会涨呢?如果会那我找完队友就不怕错过什么了~~~ 完全不知所云……问问题也要有问问题的态度嘛……真是的,逻辑错误和错字一大堆还请LZ搬出一个能让我们看的懂的描述,谢谢…… 以我做ede任务的经验来说不会,队友要和你在同一地图里。 不在一起得不到经验 回复 2# A321ex
就是说把布恩放在一个地方然后做任何能涨个人点数的任务能不能张个人点数?我觉得挺好理解啊……你听不懂还怪我…………………… 回复 6# lhx6212
话说个人点数到底是什么…… 本帖最后由 成公英 于 2011-8-9 17:12 编辑
回复 1# lhx6212
也就是说,你把尼尔森、尼普顿和棉花丛的任务全做完才去找布恩对话,只能获得一次的任务点数,其它两次都浪费了。你必须每次做完一个任务就立刻与布恩对话,谈论他的老婆和苦泉镇,才能获得该次任务的点数。这样你只要做完上述三个任务就可以获得布恩的最终任务,不需要借助bug反复刷点数…… 回复 9# 成公英
那我残了,………… 回复 8# lhx6212
……嘛,详细情况某人都说了……晚了 本帖最后由 springfield1971 于 2011-8-9 15:42 编辑
如果根據fallout wiki的描述, boone的個人任務(i forgot to remember to forget), 點數必須要他在隊中時完成某些任務才可得到提示 ...
In order to access the necessary dialogue options, the player must have spoken to Manny Vargas in Novac or Bitter-Root in Camp McCarran about his tour of duty in the NCR and Bitter Springs. In order to trigger the quest, the player must accumulate five "history" points with Boone. These can only be earned while Boone is in your party.
■Killing Vulpes Inculta: +1
■Vulpes appears at multiple points, leaving several opportunities to kill him. He first appears in Nipton. If spared, he'll appear on The Strip to give you the Mark of Caesar (If you kill Vulpes when he approaches you at the strip, Securitron guards will not become hostile, nor will anyone else, making this the easiest time to kill him). Finally, he'll appear at the Fort by Caesar's side.
■Camp McCarran
■When torturing the captured Legion POW Silus at Camp McCarran, if he dies during the torture: +1.
■During the mission 'I Put a Spell on You' at Camp McCarran
■If you confront and kill the spy in act (Capt. Ronald Curtis): +1.
■If you disarm the monorail bomb: +1.
■The Fort
■Killing Caesar at The Fort: +2.
■Legion Raid Camp
■During the side quest Booted at Legion Raid Camp, rescuing the hostage Powder Gangers: +2
■During the side quest Back in Your Own Backyard in Nelson
■If you kill the hostages: +1.
■If you save them: +2.
■Camp Searchlight / Cottonwood Cove
■Eradicate the Legion: +2. This can be done independent of the side quest Eye for an Eye (begun at Camp Searchlight; executed at Cottonwood Cove). Note: Counts after killing Aurelius of Phoenix.
btw ... 2樓的理解能力真的不行 ... 本帖最后由 成公英 于 2011-8-9 17:13 编辑
比较囧的一个是原地等待的队员也算是 in your party 的,没有考证过是不是原版就如此…… 长见识了 不知道还有这个 游戏剧情一直自己摸索很少看别人写的攻略贴的说 回复 13# springfield1971
英文理解能力不行 回复 14# 成公英
在wait狀態下仍算是in the party ... 原版也一樣, 跟mod無關 ... 不過wait的時間太長, 會自動脫隊回去原地 ... 不带着就不行