tengyek14 发表于 2011-8-5 13:53

【插件】在ARMA2的世界里享受ARMA1的疯狂(自压CAA1插件大容量 慎重下载)

本帖最后由 lorlkoy 于 2011-8-6 22:57 编辑

转自BIS论坛 原文:
The CAA1 project is to make BI ArmA addons available in ArmA II. Yet there is more to it!

What can You do with CAA1?:
Try, test, explore and play. If you like it, tell your friends.
Explore the ArmA I and Queen's Gambit worlds.
Build new missions on these amazing worlds.
Convert your ArmA I missions of the given worlds to ArmA II.
Try any ArmA I mission or campaign in ArmA II. May or may not be playable.
Try missions ported to ArmA II by community members.
Help convert popular ArmA I or Queen's Gambit missions and campaigns to ArmA II.
Help convert popular OFP missions and campaigns to ArmA II.
Make use the new units in your ArmA II missions.
Use CAA1 as a base to convert your ArmA I vehicles/weapons/objects/worlds to ArmA II.
Try any ArmA I world in ArmA II. May or may not work.
For more details refer to the CAA1 wiki and especially the Frequently asked questions (FAQ).

Enjoy the scenery in the CAA1 gallery, the 5040x1050 gallery by thales100
and the community made promo videos.

In the download section you can download CAA1 as installer via torrent or HTTP, or
via HTTP single file download or Yoma Addon Sync 2009.
The later simplifies the possible future updating process a lot.

Be aware the download is 1.9/2.1 GB in total.
Unless you download only parts via YAS or the HTTP single file download.

Make sure to read, understand and agree to the license!

The future:
Essentially the project is now in the community, in Your hands!
You are the ones to make use of it, enjoy, play it!

The main intention of the project along with OAC and OFPIP is to make OFP and ArmA I
top quality missions and campaigns available in ArmA II.
While it is less work compared to start from the scratch, tweaking mission gameplay to the micro AI,
the rather small effort to adapt scripts to ArmA II standard and similar tasks it is still work.

A job that needs as much as helping hands as possible!

Head over to project OAC to find out more about it and replay great campaigns in the future like
Cold War Crisis, Queen's Gambit Royal Flush and The Cause - Chapter I again in the beauty of ArmA II!

Change log:
- fixed: Not able to climb some ladders.
- fixed: Doors invisible on Sahrani.
- added: Cyborg11's Camel to CAA1.
- added: Merge Cyborg11's Littlebird conversion into CAA1.

Sincere thanks to BI for their okay for the project!
Thanks to modEmMaik, Sickoy, Yoma, the-f, Mopar and to the countless of helping hands!

这么多 翻译不了 所以 我翻译出来的 大概就是说 这个插件就是把ARMA1时代的地图 和少量物体 还有几样载具搬到了ARMA2的世界 (不包括ARMA1的人物单位) 你能把一些ARMA1时代的插件和这个插件一起挂载 就能使用了 不过 据我所知 是少数插件 还能把ARMA1的任务 放到ARMA2里玩(也是少数)
所以 亮点就在岛屿和载具 其他 功能 个人认为潜力不大 我只玩岛屿的 收藏的珍品 特此分享给大家~

重要提示:需要CBA插件支持!(别告诉说你在这里混的 不知道CBA是什么 自己搜帖子去)

压缩包分两个 都要下 才能解压 带了2%的恢复数据 加了密码 密码可见下面

**** Hidden Message *****

SAEMAGMD 发表于 2011-8-6 07:58


tengyek14 发表于 2011-8-6 22:58

为什么 都没人- -难道 是下载了 不顶么 0 0还是都对这个插件 没兴趣。。我自顶下

wap.味道 发表于 2011-8-7 00:30

显卡:华硕GT220(256M)CPU:E5800 玩闪点行动2流畅,遇到烟雾有点小卡。 网上看到有的说玩武装突袭2可以开最低特效可以……也有的说特效都关了也卡死,到底能玩不?

xian888 发表于 2011-8-7 13:41


ji44664455 发表于 2011-8-8 00:34


178738814 发表于 2011-8-9 23:14


Swagger 发表于 2011-8-13 22:18

很好玩的 插件!

zhemg 发表于 2011-8-13 22:57


redapple.ca 发表于 2011-8-14 01:50


redapple.ca 发表于 2011-8-14 01:51


mouhuhu 发表于 2011-8-14 07:44


scorpio0001 发表于 2011-8-15 05:30


redapple.ca 发表于 2011-8-15 16:08


bigroper 发表于 2011-8-18 06:06

回复 1# tengyek14

    感謝 正覺得能在2玩到1該有多好就看到了

bvdgrb 发表于 2011-8-20 10:46


rilaohan 发表于 2011-8-20 11:17


古怪的精灵 发表于 2011-8-20 19:27


waterfs 发表于 2011-8-22 19:34


qianwu 发表于 2011-8-23 17:14

很好玩的 插件!

happykloan 发表于 2011-9-25 13:32


zyf1987 发表于 2011-10-2 22:37


HUAN13084242452 发表于 2011-10-5 00:32


lllalove 发表于 2011-10-5 08:58


fourt 发表于 2011-11-21 14:07


1014967784 发表于 2011-11-24 20:12


356882296 发表于 2012-2-14 19:37


LAOPEI3000 发表于 2012-2-15 11:01


浪漫樱花 发表于 2012-2-21 10:21


guolun123456 发表于 2012-2-21 10:43

huifukanakan 回复i看看
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查看完整版本: 【插件】在ARMA2的世界里享受ARMA1的疯狂(自压CAA1插件大容量 慎重下载)