【3DM下载站】《魔能(Magicka)》SKIDROW UP24 升级及破解补丁[含4个新DLC]
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Magicka Update 24 info:
- Added to camera tracking an influence towards enemies in the immediate vicinity.
- Added Polish localization.
- If any versus game has one or less players it will automatically end.
- Added an ethereal state to newly respawned players in versus mode.
- Added two new achievements
- Versus network games now properly synchronize spawn positions, this prevents characters from spawning in the same position during a Krietor mode reset.
- When local players are dead the camera will now instead track network players.
- Characters charging during a Krietor mode reset are now properly reset to an idle state.
- Fixed an issue where if in a rare situation a necromancer area casted with both poison and earth elements a crash would occur.
- Fixed an issue where a NPC (ie daemon lord) would drop an item which had not been cached, resulting in a crash.
- Self shields are now correctly removed when casting invisibility.
- Earth projectiles now gain some deviation on its trajectory whenever they destroy targets.
- Added some stability to game start.
- Adjusted self casted projectile spells position and direction.
- Improved fire efficiency greatly.
- Magick and Item packs are now properly hidden in lobby when Krietor抯 Tourney is selected.
- Fixed a bug where characters casting a spell with their weapons while being feared would not properly reset the spell effect.
- Fixed the movement influence on avatars when they are feared.
- Krietor versus mode will now properly remove an active Meteorshower magick when it resets.
- Nullify will now affect every entity, independent of distance.
http://pic1.3dm.178.com/88/883901/month_1106/11062222283271ab77ba0b3caf.jpg 本帖最后由 便便藏tt 于 2011-7-7 09:57 编辑
联机请继续使用U20特别整合版^_^ 谢谢分享 感謝分享
不知道什麼時候才能連線呢... 感謝分享 回帖下载! {:3_144:}顶啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 好快啊。。。。 谢谢楼主,正好需要 谢谢楼主,正好需要 好,看看!!!!!!! 感谢分享 又有更新了哟。感谢分享。 又有更新了哟。感谢分享。 ☞♥☜♂戰ⓦⓐⓣⓧ神☺☞♥☜ 感谢分享~~~~ :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol 感谢分享~~~~ 下来看看,不知道u24和u23有什么分别 來玩玩看囉
感謝拉 也太快了一點 感谢大大的分享~~ 这个已经是汉化了的? 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 使用方法:
4、运行游戏 感谢楼主分享 不知道更新了什么 erwgfdeowufdgweufrewufdwakdeywq,jyj 谢谢分享 谢谢分享