weiming_86 发表于 2011-7-1 14:09



Complete Equipment Overhaul - Balancing tweaks to every piece of equipment in the game v0.9
The idea for this mod (for the size it has grown into this past week at least), came from conversations within the comments for a different author's mod, who has set out with a similar goal in mind of trying to rebalance and spice up especially the talent trees and abilities in the game. I truly recommend using this mod in tandem with these ability tweaks, since my mod only affects actual equipment.
The author in question is Lautreamont, and his wonderful mod is called Better Combat.

Short description
Completely alters all the statistics of every equippable item in the game, in an attempt to balance out the difficulty curve that steadily starts going down once you're finishing up the first chapter. The result is a much more even challenge in combat, all the way to the end of the game, making it feel much closer to the exquisite balance you experience during the Prologue and Chapter 1. You will actually have to think about what you're doing during combat, and some fights might require more preparation in the form of potions and tools than you're used to, depending on the difficulty level set.

How to install
1. Place the CEO.dzip file into your The Witcher 2\CookedPC\ directory.
2. Done!
How to uninstall
1. Remove the CEO.dzip file from your The Witcher 2\CookedPC\ directory.
2. Done!

This mod alters the following files:

v0.9b "Armor Enhancements"
* Further tweaked the additional weapons. Most of them should be slightly stronger than conventional weapons, but have a really big critical effect chance, while two-handers might be significantly stronger. It's to compensate for all the fancy fighting techniques you lose by not using a normal steel sword, and to truly give them a more situational benefit (such as during the Prologue).
* Minor tweaks to schematic prices, mostly in Act 3.
*Removed the tag that says runes are crafting ingredients, since they are not any longer.
* Increased the amount of meteorite ore needed to make runes.
* Increased the price to craft runes to 300.
* Fixed an error with the apperance of 'Hardened Leather Jacket'- for some reason it was referring to a model that does not exist. (Spotted by user xtensive1987.)
* Lowered the amount of armor enhancement slots for the three end game armors (Ys; Ysgith; Vran's) to 1. Partly to further interest players in the other, less used choices, and partly due to upgrades made to these enhancements, detailed below.
There are too many (often overlapping) armor enhancements in the game. I've removed those that I thought were superfluous, and altered those that remain.
* The following armor enhancements have been removed: Armor; Fibre; Leather; Reinforced Leather; Quality Leather; Quality Steel (I'm not sure this was even used).
* The remaining armor enhancements have been tweaked to add character and specificity when it comes to strengths vs. weaknesses, and depending on your talent build and playstyle, it's hopefully not as clear cut anymore which enhancements you wish to go for. Each enhancement has some kind of merit, but also lacks something another one might have.
* Overall, the remaining enhancements are now more powerful than they were before, and should also feel more unique.
NOTE: If you install this update and your character already has one of these now-removed armor enhancements equipped, I don't know what will happen to it; if it will become unequipped, or if it forever will leave that slot taken without adding an effect. If this is a problem for you, you should either wait with installing this until you get a fresh piece of armor, or simply roll-back to 0.9a if it has already happened.

* (!)Thanks to user delamer, it seems I have solved the pricing issue. Basically, there's a file called def_prices.xml that controls what prices are to be displayed, depending on the prices specified in the respective item type files. This file - def_prices.xml - is incomplete, however, and does not support custom prices fully. When I set a schematic to cost 300 orens, for example, it reads from def_prices.xml, and when it doesn't find an entry for that price, it sets it to a default value of 1 oren. I have now updated this file to support a much wider range of custom prices (increments of 5, usually), and it is now included with CEO.
* I have now made the intended changes to the crafting costs of certain schematics, such as the Draug Armor, to make it a bit cheaper to buy and craft. The item itself remains balanced to work well in Act 3, meaning you don't have to swap it out the moment you set foot in Loc Muinne, unless you really want to.
* This has also made it possible for me to restore rare materials to Cori in Act 3. She now carries a limited stock of items you may need to craft my altered versions of the unique equipment such as Armor of Tir ná Lia and Dearg Ruadhri. These materials obviously cost a pretty penny to buy, though. I did this because some of these items come in a limited amount throughout the game, and some items (Piece of Draugir Armor, Draugir Claws) you might not get at all. It only seemed fair to offer them at a store, just as a last resort.
* Runes now have altered (and evened out) prices, if you want to buy them directly from a merchant. Depending on your discount level, they should land around the 500 mark.
* I removed the schematics from the Mysterious Merchant - he now only carries the TW1 items and DLC items.
* Seeing how this is a rather big breakthrough, it opens up a lot more possibilities for me to possibly rebalance the pricing of most items in the game. The problem with this is that it would cause CEO to include an (even more) increased number of files, further harming its compatibility with other mods. Also, the pricing is not that bad in vanilla. I've mostly just spotted a few ingredients and items here and there that I'd like to make more expensive - and others that should be cheaper. It's something I'll keep in mind for the future, however.
* Lastly, don't be surprised if you spot a few (minor) changes on items, as usual.

Long description
Most players agree that the itemization and difficulty balance is superb during the first chapter of the game. Once you start making your way into Chapter 2, however, you gradually start finding equipment that is significantly more powerful, all the while Geralt himself becomes more lethal in combat, no matter which talent tree(s) you go for. It was brought to my attention that this is due to the fact that the opposition does not scale as it logically should - the harpy you fight in Chapter 2 will have gained no new skills in Chapter 3, for example. Some people hate scaled enemies, and I'm usually one of those people; but the challenge in a game needs to scale in some manner, shape or form. In The Witcher 2, they hardly introduce new, significantly more dangerous enemies as you carry on, and the ones you do meet are not noticeably more dangerous. There are exceptions to be found, of course, but in general, most players feel that the combat holds no more challenge once you've finished parts of Chapter 2, and that it has become dead easy to win once you get to Chapter 3; especially when you so easily can obtain all the tasty end-game gear.
Rebalancing the difficulty of the combat, in order to remedy this symptom, is obviously much more complicated than simply changing equipment stats and abilities. As it stands now, however, it's the best solution we have, and from my own playtesting, it seems to be working quite well. I basically lower all item's values, making the jump in damage, armor, and statistic bonuses as you venture into Chapter 2, much less severe. At the same time, I've altered most bonuses you receive from equipment, in an attempt to make every piece stand out more, without making either clearly more powerful than another. I have left the gear you find and craft during Chapter 1 mostly intact, only evening out some bonuses here and there, since the difficulty level in combat during this part of the game is more or less perfect already. You'll start noticing the mod's effects once you start crafting or finding the equipment you usually obtain near the end of the first chapter, and it goes on from there, carrying on all the way through Chapter 2 and Chapter 3.
Now, I must say that I am not an expert TW2 player - the first time I played it, I had set it to Easy, and I was still having trouble, dying every once in a while. As I kept playing, however, I gradually started learning the ins and outs of combat. Not necessarily mastering them quickly, but at least starting to get it. Recently I've played on Normal, and it's also on that difficulty level I've tested this mod. The most recent overhaul I did, actually made Chapter 3 incredibly difficult for me. Compared to the vanilla stats of the equipment, enemies don't die nearly as quickly, and Geralt himself is a lot squishier - I died several times outside, and the boss fights were really exciting; one clumsy miss-step and I was rotting inside the belly of a dragon. After some minor tweaks to ease it up just a little bit, I started realizing that Chapter 3 suddenly felt just as challenging and balanced as Chapter 1 - and keeping in mind that I do not use bombs, traps, and potions on an advanced level, only on a basic one - that's when I figured I had finally succeeded well enough with the mod to actually upload it on the Nexus. Assuming other players who want the game to feel more challenging, are already playing on Hard, and most likely play better than myself; I am estimating that using this mod will make the game feel great, and almost as well-balanced as it is during the first act. Chapter 3 is still a big mess, however. This final act is much too compressed, and offers way too many powerful items from the get-go, so I'm a bit torn on how to even out the progression here. I can't really make the chapter longer, so I might actually resort to removing a couple of items from the game entirely - the changes I've already made still make the items have more character, though, and to be significantly different from one another.
Choosing difficulty level
Because of these changes, people who find the game to be too easy on Hard will most likely find it is a bit more challenging. I don't think these people will feel the need to dial down the difficulty to Normal, but playthroughs on Hard should at least offer more resistance overall, hopefully creating a more satisfying combat experience. Those of us who usually stick to Normal in games, will find that this difficulty level will remain more or less unchanged until the second half of the first chapter, after which the resistance you meet will even out as you carry on, rather than gradually become too easy. As for the Easy difficulty level, this mod was never designed with that in mind. If the game is too hard on Normal, you probably will set it to Easy anyway, and focus on the story. This level should be more or less unaffected, the main reason Easy is, well, easy, is that the enemies hardly ever use any advanced abilities. I noticed the first time I set it to Normal, that they start blocking attacks much more frequently, for example. So yes, while the mod wasn't made for Easy, it won't make the combat noticeably more difficult for those of you who prefer this level. It will still offer more character and unique features to all the equipment, however, so it might be worth it to install this mod anyway.

weiming_86 发表于 2011-7-1 14:10


kenny100 发表于 2011-7-1 16:09

LZ 这么高难度的东东在什么地方那个搞的{:3_158:}

weiming_86 发表于 2011-7-1 18:03

LZ 这么高难度的东东在什么地方那个搞的
kenny100 发表于 2011-7-1 16:09 http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif


weiming_86 发表于 2011-7-1 18:04


夜空的旋律 发表于 2011-7-2 10:32

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查看完整版本: 请大家帮忙看看这个难度平衡调整MOD好不???