跟着猫头鹰走,走到一片战场中间,圈里出现了小怪,第二次出现小怪,打死后,猫头鹰就不走了,好一会儿,还是不走,出了那个圈就变黑了,就死了,请问下面是什么剧情啊? 本帖最后由 kevinnium 于 2011-6-4 04:31 编辑1. 出現藍光的時候,就是貓頭鷹被綁住不能動的時候,你要把怪殺光她才會解除束縛繼續走。
2. 你走到它前面一點,它就會再往前飛了。
3. BUG了,打上1.2更新檔試試看,修正了幾個卡任務和錯誤的地方:
[*]A number of progression breaks have been fixed, including instances of blocked meditation, inability to save game, and blocked combat after use of static cameras (e.g. game could not be saved after completion of the “Indecent Proposal” quest).[*]The progression break during the fight against the dragon in Chapter 3 (exploration not working properly) has been fixed.[*]The progression break during the fight against Dethmold (whereby he sometimes remained behind his barrier, doing nothing) has been fixed.[*]The progression break (black screen) in the "Little Shop of Dreams" quest has been fixed.[*]The progression break following failure to complete the ritual with Anezka has been fixed.[*]The progression break during the dialogue on the beach in the “Hung Over” quest has been fixed. 估计bug了, 重新载如之前存档吧, 这个游戏的存档虽然大, 但是还是很方便的, 每个任务做完自动存档