终于....N卡驱动,275.33 whql来了..
本帖最后由 ray.waltz 于 2011-6-2 07:23 编辑下载地址(Win7,X64,):http://www.nvidia.com/object/notebook-win7-winvista-64bit-275.33-whql-driver.html
下载地址(WIN7,X32): http://www.nvidia.com/object/notebook-win7-winvista-275.33-whql-driver.html
New in Release 275.33
Performance [*]The Release 275 beta driver v275.27 can cause significant performance drop in The Witcher 2. This issue has been resolved in v275.33 drivers.(The Wither 2在275.27驱动下有很严重的性能下滑现象,275.33已修复此问题) Please read this FAQ for more information on this issue.[*]Increases performance for GeForce 400 Series and 500 Series GPUs in several PC games vs. v270.61 WHQL drivers.(与270.61驱动相比,275.33驱动会提高400系列和500系列 在一些游戏上的表现.....{:3_124:} N每次都这么说)The following are some examples of improvements measured on Windows 7. Results will vary depending on your GPU and system configuration:GeForce GTX 580: [*]Up to 4% in Crysis 2[*]Up to 5% in Civilization V with SLI[*]Up to 9% in Portal 2[*]Up to 13% in Bulletstorm with Antialiasing enabled[*]Up to 15% in Batman: Arkham Asylum with PhysX HighGeForce GTX 560: [*]Up to 6% in Crysis 2[*]Up to 8% in Portal 2[*]Up to 14% in Batman: Arkham Asylum with PhysX High[*]Up to 15% in Bulletstorm with Antialiasing enabled[*]Increases performance by up to 12% for dual-core CPUs in CPU-limited cases. {:3_117:}稳住,杀个花 不知道性能是否有提升啊 尘埃3平均和最低FPS都提升了7FPS{:3_162:} 4系木有提高?????? 4系木有提高??????
dfgbvc 发表于 2011-6-2 10:57 http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif
跑分有提高 立即更新。感謝。 火星了。昨天就发过两次了 我装了280。xx。。。。 260.99还在用 260.99同上。一般不更新哈哈哈 又能更新了