求助 安装不了游戏SK版 高手帮忙解决下
RT 序列号全部输入1 所有的神马GFW OPAL 都装了指定路径为D-PROGRAMESFILE-CODXXX-DIRT3---之后出现提示”an error occurred,error code 0x800b0109" for more details about the error that has occurred,please see the log:
Logging Started: 05/27/2011 20:12:27
Source Folder: G:\
OS v5.1 Service Pack 3 (build 2600) 32 bit
OS Product Type: 0x00000000
User Default LCID: 0x0804
(20:12:27) Initialized
(20:12:27) Loading G:\xliveinstall.dll
(20:12:27) Resources initialized
(20:12:28) LCID: 0x0409
(20:16:46) Create Desktop Shortcut: 0
(20:16:46) Create Start Menu Shortcut: 1
(20:16:46) Install Folder: d:\Program Files\Codemasters\DiRT 3
(20:16:46) LCID: 0x0409
(20:16:46) Install Started
(20:16:46) Language Choice: 0x00000409
(20:16:47) Passed EULA
(20:16:51) Passed ProductKey
(20:16:51) Install Start Notification
(20:16:51) Verifying 0MB of 7569MB (0%)
(20:16:51) Verifying 0MB of 7569MB (0%)
(20:16:51) Verifying 0MB of 7569MB (0%)
(20:16:51) Verifying 2MB of 7569MB (0%)
(20:16:51) Verifying 3MB of 7569MB (0%)
(20:16:51) An error occurred. Error code: 0x800b0109
(20:16:51) An error occurred. Error code: 0x800b0109
(20:16:51) InstallProduct Error: 0x800b0109
Logging Started: 05/27/2011 20:12:27
EXE: G:\Setup.exe (
DLL: G:\xliveinstall.dll (
Source Folder: G:\
OS v5.1 Service Pack 3 (build 2600) 32 bit
OS Product Type: 0x00000000
User Default LCID: 0x0804
(20:12:27) IsMainPackageInstalled INSTALLSTATE:-1
(20:16:46) Installing G:\ to d:\Program Files\Codemasters\DiRT 3.Flags: 0x00000004
(20:16:46) Parsed G:\ChainInstall.xml from G:\
(20:16:46) Languages: 6 Selected:0x00000409
(20:16:47) EULAs: 1
(20:16:51) ProductKey
(20:16:51) Prompt result
(20:16:51) Verifying 24 files
(20:16:51) Verifying G:\DirectX\DXSETUP.exe failed
(20:16:51) Verifying G:\DirectX\DSETUP.dll failed
(20:16:51) Verifying G:\DirectX\dsetup32.dll failed
(20:16:51) Verifying G:\OpenAL\OpenALwEAX.exe failed
(20:16:51) File 'G:\OpenAL\OpenALwEAX.exe' was not signed correctly or its contents are invalid.
(20:16:51) Verified files
(20:16:51) Stage 0: Error. Reason:Install Msg:
(20:16:51) Stage 0: Error. Reason:Generic 1 Msg:
(20:16:51) InstallProduct exit
哪位大侠帮忙解决下啊 谢谢了