第三章 开始有四个符文锁住的隐藏宝箱!~
RT,打不开啊。。。和伊非欧斯分开不久杀完几只石像鬼下了一个楼梯杀了一个大魔像。。。怎么试顺序都打不开,崩溃了。有打开的奉献一下密码啊。。。 There seem to be multiple different puzzles, and which one is finally used in a room seems to be random.
There are three rooms in total where you must extinguish the signs in the correct order. They are all underground, look for stairs leading down in the three locations marked on this map:enter image description here
The descriptions of the signs are in the Books of Magical Signs Volumes 1-4, they are as following:
art = harp
war = clenched fist
thunder = striking lightning bolt
death = scythe
sky = line within parallelogram, pursed mouth
butterfly = line crossed twice
weather = arrow sliced in half
reason = bear dancing on dew
time = open hourglass or chalice
life = blossoming flower
animal = snake creeping along riverbead
fate = cross within circle
I've only had 4 different runes in my game, I identified them as the following
/ / /
|\ |
| \|
| /
| /
The clues in each room are numbered, there appear to be at least 6 different ones.
Second encrypted rune combination:
Three field mice
Dance in a circle at dusk
Stars are like grain
Solution: animal art time sky
Third encrypted rune combination:
Glittering fish
Dying on a fresco
Struck by lightning
Solution: animal time art sky
Sixth encrypted rune combination:
On the dark sky
The beauty of a falcon's flight
Faster and faster
Solution: sky art animal time
??? encrypted rune combination:
Coulds are like bees
When bells ring
Solution: art sky animal time
我玩的不是中文版所以没办法确定游戏里是怎么翻译这个谜语的,不过符号都是一样的,实在不行直接按照他给的顺序。 中文一样的,其实我也是查外国论坛的 ..记不起顺序了 我是一次就通过了 应该是面对宝箱 左上 右上 左下 右下