【MOD/115网盘】《巫师 2:国王刺客 (The Witcher 2: Assassins Of Kings)》小地图添加方向指针MOD
本帖最后由 longbeanz 于 2011-6-13 00:34 编辑由GOG.com - antihero_ 制作
3DMGAME《巫师 2:国王刺客》小地图方向指针MOD.rar
把解压出的MOD文件 (整个 globals 文件夹) 复制到 游戏目录\CookedPC 文件夹里
By antihero_:
Since it seemed like something people wanted, here's my take on it. Since the minimap rotates, this rotates with it and lets you know which way you're going in relation to the pointer.
Maybe I should make it shorter, skinnier, a little less opaque, a different colour etc, but it seems OK so far. I just didn't want something too intrusive like an N, or even a stylized one rotating about in the small space available.
Even if somewhere in the game it doesn't point north, it'll stay consistent enough so you can orient yourself on the minimap with it.
As a side note, I first looked into just not rotating the minimap, but that's a bigger hassle than it first appeared, for me anyway.
谢谢楼主 不错的东西 谢谢楼主 不错的东西,谢谢楼主分享 谢谢分享,支持一个了 不错,小地图跟着视觉转很不方便。 ---------------------- 感謝大大分享 本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览 感謝大大分享 好东西、。、、、、支持! 谢谢楼主 不错的东西... 这个很重要 不错的东西,谢谢分享! DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 感谢分享~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 谢谢分享,支持一个了 又是前排 謝謝分享 实用啊、、 thx for share 前来支持 这个也不错,在外面是很容易迷路 司南针什么的最需要了 都是很实用的东西啊 强烈支持 前排支持,这游戏太多毛病 谢谢楼主