【MOD/115网盘】《巫师 2:国王刺客 (The Witcher 2: Assassins Of Kings)》骰子外观MOD
本帖最后由 longbeanz 于 2011-6-13 00:41 编辑由GOG.com - Red_Avatar 制作
3DMGAME《巫师 2:国王刺客》骰子外观MOD.rar
把解压出的MOD文件 (整个 environment_levels 文件夹) 复制到 游戏目录\CookedPC 文件夹里
By Red_Avatar:
I loved playing dice in the original Witcher but the new dice set (and the odd camera angle) makes it a lot less fun and makes me strain to recognize the dice unless I pay close attention. I also didn't like the black wood look - so I made a mod for The Witcher 2 that gives it back a more classic look which you could see in the original game, with regular white dice. Far easier to spot what your throws is.
To install: very easy. You have a CookedPC folder in your Witcher 2 folder which is like the old "data" folder. Just extract it there and keep the subfolders and that's it.
I'm planning to make other mods using the dice set as well, maybe different materials (more stylish wood for example, or black wood) and also change the art inside. If anyone has any custom art they want added to the inside, let me know.
2代的骰子界面确实看着蛋疼 貌似链接有问题啊下不了???? 回复 3# nekli
看来115又抽筋了,我再传一次 看看,这次的这个太费眼神了- - 感謝大大分享 感谢分享 本帖最后由 魂断蓝桥 于 2011-5-22 21:49 编辑
前排 支持一下 {:3_154:} 回复 3# nekli
连接已修复 连接已修复 谢谢楼主 11111111111111111111111111 貌似链接有问题啊下不了???? dddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 这个必须顶! 游戏原本的骰子,我还确实看不懂 这个好多了 ddddddddddddddddddddddd 看着就是悲剧。时常看错。 这个好,直观 dddddddddddddddddddd ....太好了- - 谢谢lz 分享 不管咋说谢谢楼主分享 111111111111 好东西! 感谢分享~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 感謝分享..
那個骰子的點數還真的是看不懂 我塞子玩不溜啊 黑点白底外观,具体请看效果图 这个好!