enox 发表于 2011-5-19 08:50


本帖最后由 enox 于 2011-5-19 08:53 编辑

The Problem:
The game doesn't launch if your native desktop resolution is 2560x1600 or 2560x1440 (maybe some other very high resolutions)

处理方法 :1:降低桌面分辨率,然后设置游戏分辨率为2560x1600or1440进入游戏,这样可以全屏

The Fix:
If your native res is 2560x1600 Change your desktop resolution to 1920x1200, run the Witcher. Set the config to Fulscreen and 2560x1600 (or lower). The game should the load fine, fullscreen at the selected res..

If your native res is 2560x1440 Change your desktop resolution to 1920x1200 or 1920x1080, run the Witcher. Set the config to Fulscreen and 2560x1440 (or lower). The game should the load fine, fullscreen at the selected res..

The Story and credits:
I spent ages trying to get the game to run at all. Eventually I read someone posting that he ran in a Window and he was using a res. of 2560x1600 (which is my native resolution). So tried this and it worked!

However the game is really choppy in a window so I tried lots of other settings, none of which allowed me to run fullscreen at ANY resolution.

A little earlier I found that what does seem to work is setting your desktop resolution to, say, 1920x1200 and then running the game fullscreen at 1920x1200 OR 2560x1600 which works (thnx Heids24!) too.

So.. I am guessing that the devs didn't have any 2560x1600 monitors lying around to test on.

Hope this helps a few people! And... hope the devs fix the problem altogether soon as having to set your desktop resolution lower than native before running the game is a bit poor!

星云散落 发表于 2011-5-19 08:52

配置帝V5 弱弱问问 LZ的5位数配置机器一共多少RMB……

换个I7 990X和GTX590 四路 SLI就完美了。。。

enox 发表于 2011-5-19 09:02

本帖最后由 enox 于 2011-5-19 09:04 编辑

去国外论坛看看吧,我这个很普通,人家一堆tri sli以上的准备加块580上sli了

enox 发表于 2011-5-19 09:25

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查看完整版本: 桌面分辨率为2560x1600和2560x1440导致游戏无法进入的解决