真搞笑 GS的用户分到9.6了 这游戏直接拉高了RPG游戏的整体水准,各大媒体当然不敢随便给个评分,现在都还是很谨慎的观望和仔细研究中 玩了一会,感觉确实没什么可挑剔的,除了那该死的优化外...当然,至少不卡已经很让人欣慰了{:3_134:}
游戏太难了 IGN编辑通不了关了… 各种卡关 小弟卡着卡着 卡着卡着。。。。 人家評分是玩得差不多了才敢給分,不管好壞至少能給出比較中肯的評價...難道你要IGN學天朝玩家,玩不到一個小時就怒刪,給完零分之後,說不出個所以然? 巫师2 不吃不喝也得玩2天以上才能通关吧 ,编辑也得回家照顾老婆孩子。怎么也得通完关在评分吧。
这游戏才出多长时间。这个大型rpg。还得等几天才能出分。估计。 IGN did not receive early copies for The Witcher 2 and cannot provide a launch day review. Instead, we'll be playing alongside you in the days to come and updating this story with impressions, screenshots and video.
It'll be similar in structure to the way we handled the Final Fantasy XIV, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm and DC Universe Online reviews.
Once the final review is ready, the text and video review will appear on this page. If you have any questions in the meantime or specific things you'd like to know about, feel free to leave comments in the field below and we'll try to address them as best we can while we play.
当评测最终完成时, 我们会在这放出文字和视频评测。如果你有问题,或者特定想知道的事情,随时在下面留言,我们会尽量在玩游戏的同时给予回复的(哈哈哈。。。)