Hydrophobia: Prophecy Update 1 info:
- Fix for lights intensities going out of range
- Possible fix for the intense light bug
- Fix for Kate sometimes getting inside objects when detaching from cover.
- Fixed issue where, with the camera at certain angles while in cover, pressing a single direction key (WASD) would not detach you from cover and you would have to hold 2 keys simultaneously to exit cover in these situations.
- Fix for some users getting no audio
- Audio device selection now available on launcher, if no selection has been made then game defaults on launcher and in the game to the default windows device.
- Added support for sli/crossfire configuration in the ded.ini
- Moved cutscene skip onto the right mouse button 半夜有惊喜啊..前排. 本帖最后由 lqkofer 于 2011-5-12 09:55 编辑
**** Hidden Message ***** 了解。 字幕问题有解决么 前排占楼~~ 前排占楼~~ 好快就有更新檔 多謝分享了...!!! 感激不盡非常之多謝 前排支持 谢谢分享 前排下载 好迅速啊 真是快阿
感謝感謝阿 谢谢分享 kankan................................ 71mb,不是太小,不知道修正了些什么? 感谢分享!!!!! 为什么这么快又有补丁了,!我还没动呢!!!!!!! :victory::victory: 回复一下看看 第一贴 的 这么快就有补丁了, 预言等补丁1简介::
现在availa -音频设备的选择 顶~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 呵呵,前排啊,谢谢。 其实我还没下游戏
先把补丁下好:lol 感激不盡非常 多謝分享 支持....收下 《恐水症:预言》Update1升级补丁+破解补丁