Ubisoft have officially announced that the Public Beta of Might & Magic: Heroes VI will launch at the end of June:"Dear fans,We're happy to let you know the beta of Might & Magic Heroes 6 will start in the end of June.Visit the Ubishop to check out the pre-order offers and get exclusive access to the beta.Cheers!"
If you have pre-ordered the game, that is when you'll be able to use your key and get an early peek at what Black Hole entertainment have been doing lately.By taking an active part in the open beta test, you will also be able to actively contribute to the late stages of the production of the game by assisting the devs in hunting down minor bugs and glitches. With the complexity of modern games, the myriads of fans can uncover things that a few developers haven't, to the benefit of all.
官方再次确认六月底出BETA,然后,官方已经可以购买——购买者免费参加BETA测试(仅限欧版,美版),给他们提意见,找BUG。 本帖最后由 我的圈 于 2011-5-10 08:48 编辑
终于来了……BETA也好……至少不会再来个一跳几个月了…… 果然简体版还没反应呀。。 BETA什么的最讨厌了:dizzy: 回复 4# p2plover
逮到熊猫啊! 待到夫人了哦{:3_143:} 不关我们的事{:3_107:} BETA都会被破解的 回复 8# yaqfish
恩恩,大神到时候靠你了 等贝塔被大神破姐 安静等待beta,可以尝尝鲜就行了,希望不要让人失望啊! 回复 11# qiuyh
根据既有的BETA资料总结,H6最大的特点是一个字——快! 快不错,就是我期待的