【全国首发!3DM下载站】《传送门2(Portal 2)》3号升级及破解补丁
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Portal 2 Update 3 info:
- Fixed: Occasional crash after Alt-Tab/minimizing or running in a window on certain graphics hardware.
- Fixed: Crashes and/or graphical glitches after changing video settings without exiting game
- Fixed: Player stuck at the beginning of Chapter 6
- Fixed: Crash attempting to use other weapons (e.g. mods) with Portal 2
- Fixed: Mouse cursor doesn抰 highlight UI elements in game on Mac OSX
- Fixed: Numerous localization bugs and improvements (also added Czech and Turkish localized text)
- Fixed: Overflow bug in keyvalues
- Fixed: Voice functionality regression (voice again enabled by default)
- Fixed: Joystick now defaults to off in order to avoid issues with non-joystick hardware that registers itself as a joystick
- Fixed: French sentences are not wrapping correctly in subtitles and commentary
- Improved: Handling of Mac OSX crashes
- Improved: Updates and bug fixes to Robot Enrichment
- Improved: Reliability on unsupported Intel Mobile Series 4 Express chipsets
- Removed: Unsupported console commands ("retry", "switch_teams") that caused problems if used
杀你个发再说~~~~ 只有板凳了~~~~~~~~~~~ 等你了
希望可以解決跳出的問題˙ 看看!!!! 3 都出来了 好東西~ 支持一下 等你了
希望可以解決跳出的問題˙ {:3_154:}{:3_162:} 不知道更新了什么 貌似比较新啊,来一下, 本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览 更新了啊。 {:3_152:}又升级?更新了神马? 哈哈真快啊 好............... 太喜欢这个游戏了! 升级完毕 坏蛋..大坏蛋!我刚下好2号补丁,游戏都还没拖完呢,3号补丁就糊我脸上了. 讨厌! 感谢发布升级补丁~~ 3号 不晓得更新了什么 顶贴下载 ddddddddddddddddddddddd ......................................... 顶贴下载 支持!! 谢谢发补丁!!!! 支持。谢谢 能解决结局跳出不。。。 多谢分享!!!!