我觉得那个死灵巫师那个 选那个仆人比较好 那个什么所谓的“主人”我看着就火大 既然是我的仆人 还自称主人 欠K说话态度也不行啊对了 选不同会不会影响游戏啊 本帖最后由 zxclark 于 2011-4-15 23:53 编辑对游戏后续没影响,但是仆人的个人任务是不一样的,奖励也不一样
实在选不好,就根据你的喜好来........ 最后一次更新 那就最后一次顶吧 楼主辛苦了 都没有玩到那儿呢 有美女不 先选美女 有啊 训练师 -Between the two necromancers, Jonelath is the superior choice. The armor
bonuses they grant your creature are negligible, and you get more exp for
completing Jonelath's quests.
-For a skill trainer, choose Hermosa. Upgrading your Skill Training Area to
the max level with Kenneth requires you to give up a book that gives you five
skill points - the single biggest skill boost in the game. Hermosa only asks
you to give up a sword - a good sword, for sure, but it's hardly five skill
-The choice of enchanters is a tougher one. If you intend to upgrade your
Workshop to the maximum, choose Wesson to gain more exp and two skill points
instead of one. If you choose Radcliff, however, you can sacrifice the final
upgrade (which isn't very useful) for two malachite gems (which are extremely
-If you choose Allan as your alchemist, you can have him make you the unique
Allan Brew - an armor potion 1.5 times as effective as the next best one.
Barbatos, on the other hand, will reward you with one more skill point and he
reduces the ingredient cost of potions at the max Alchemy Garden level by 3
instead of Allan's 2. Furthermore, he can make stat buffing potions for free,
though they aren't the highest quality (and cheap ingredients make for
plentiful better potions anyway). Lastly, choosing Allan forces you to give up
the Potion of Wisdom, which grants you 5 int for free. Unless you really like
Allan's personality, Barbatos is the better choice.
选择Allan损失智慧药水=5点智力,平台只能升级到2,但是可以制造Allan Brew,极品护甲药。
-Once fully equipped, your runners will complete their errands as soon as you
leave your Battle Tower and return. Take advantage of their speed to quickly
stock up on valuable materials. If you leave your tower before they've even
finished running out, however, you'll have to leave one more time before they
-When you upgrade your workshop, you must choose whether to upgrade weapons,
armour, or jewelry. Whichever you pick, all formulas for that type will cost
one less of each ingredient. This cannot reduce the cost below 1, so
unfortunately, all enchants requiring Malachite Gems still do so.
-Upgrading your Alchemist will make all formulas cost one less of each
ingredient. Unlike the workshop upgrade, this can reduce certain ingredient
costs to zero. A potion will never be completely free, however, so even very
low level potions will still require at least one ingredient.
而如果您跟我一样修改孔雀石+修改技能点,那么以上差别可以全部无视。 如果还修改属性点那药也不用喝了,实际上我不修改属性点的时候也没喝过药。
喝药,那是变龙以前的事情了。。 玩游戏嘛 不要在乎那么多跟着自己喜好来 随便选,我是看女的就选。没女的选顺眼的 那你定要选wesson了,他可以带个女眷。。
3,就是这把刀Myrthos sword。