求助 NV下载MOD问题
好多MOD下载 一点就告诉我 Site errorThe site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below...In an effort to stop bandwidth leeching bots members cannot download a file more than 50 times. If you believe you are seeing this in error or can provide a good reason why you have downloaded this file more than 50 times please get in contact with a site admin.
这是啥原因…… 你的帐号下载同样的文件超过50次了~~ 楼猫,你就是个杯具,肯定是用的共用的N网帐号吧,咩~~ 你的帐号下载同样的文件超过50次了~~
.....这是在做什么 LZ建一个自己的N网账号吧,又不麻烦 這是茄大在輻射3發的fallout3nexus mod網的教程
http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/showtopic-1334610.html 这没可能啊……我用的是自己的账号刚申请的 热乎乎的