【全国首发!3DM下载站】《龙腾世纪2》 THETA 1.02 升级及破解补丁
GAMEPLAY [*]The effects of various follower talents and item properties are now being properly removed and re-applied when loading and saving. 队友的技能效果和物品属性效果修复,应该是修复了伊莎贝拉和王子的相关bug[*]Anders's default set of tactics will now activate Haste when appropriate. 安德斯默认策略中加速技能可以正常使用,恩每次我都要手动改改否则丫的就是不给我加速[*]Aveline's final armor upgrade is now available during "Favor and Fault." 盾女的最后一个护甲升级可以正常取得,赞![*]Aveline's Retaliation talent no longer imposes a delay when activated. 盾女的Retaliation技能修复[*]The warrior's Rally talent now functions as described. 战士的rally技能修复,这个天煞的bug也是让rally直接被我打入冷宫[*]The rogue's Lacerate talent now functions as described. 盗贼的Lacerate技能修复[*]Party members who are resurrected during a fight now rejoin combat properly. 复活后的队友可以正常重新加入战斗,恩,治疗系终于要翻身了!!![*]Hawke no longer gains random spells or talents after using the Maker's Sigh potion, then saving and reloading. 洗点药水修复……我的一个盗贼就因为多喝两瓶药技能多的逆天……[*]Potions, poisons, grenades, and runes can now still be ordered from the Hawke estate after the main campaign is complete. 通关后依旧可以制造符文毒药等物品[*]Various minor gameplay issues no longer occur. 各种bug修正
QUESTS (SPOILER WARNING) [*]"Who Needs Rescuing" can now be completed. “Who needs rescuring”任务可以完成,谢天谢地!!![*]"Duty" will now appear on the Chanter's Board even if the player accepted all of the board's quests before installing the Exiled Prince premium content. 即使没装放逐王子dlc,公告板上依然会显示相关任务,推销是么?[*]The journal for "Duty" will now update if the player left the Docks (Night) area immediately after killing the Flint Company mercenaries. 码头晚上清完一拨人后Duty任务会立刻更新[*]In "Finders Keepers," the door to Woodrow's Warehouse will now open if the player steals the location to the warehouse from the harbormaster's office. 伊莎贝拉第一章的个人任务,有关于一个货物箱来着的,我记得一家伙不给钱不告诉主角货物地点,现在似乎可以有其他解决办法了。[*]In "Finders Keepers," if the player leaves Woodrow's Warehouse before finding the crate, it is now possible to return to the warehouse to complete the quest.同样是该任务,如果你忘开箱子就离开了那房子,现在可以重新进去拿。还好我没悲剧过[*]In "Herbalist's Tasks," the varterral's heart is now available even if the player killed the varterral before receiving the quest. 如果玩家没接Herbalist的收集任务就把那大石头蜘蛛给杀了,心脏依然可以拿到[*]Merrill no longer refers to the aftermath of "A New Path" before the plot has been completed. 精灵女在第三章个人任务的一些修正具体不清楚[*]Varric is no longer confused about which character Hawke has been romancing. v叔可以正确搞清楚霍克到底在和谁ooxx[*]Various minor story-scripting issues no longer occur. 小bug修正
PC/MAC-SPECIFIC FUNCTIONALITY [*]Varric's Embellishment talent no longer incorrectly refers to movement speed. v叔的技能Embelishement修正,速度终于恢复正常[*]It is now easier to select party members by clicking on their portraits when the level-up arrow is displayed. 升级后选择队友更方便[*]The game now functions correctly if the Windows desktop is set to 150% size. 桌面设置150%大小时游戏可以正常运行[*]The video options menu now allows a wider full-screen gamma range. 全屏gamma有更大的调节范围[*]Various issues specific to DirectX 11 no longer occur. DX11修正[*]Various technical changes should improve performance and limit crashes.性能修正,崩溃修
剛看1.02出了 破解馬上就有! 本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览 本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览 本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览 神马用处? 升级后有什么改变么 我要下来玩罗 看看有什么用. 看看102更新了写神马 終於等到了 一堆任務卡住 不能進行.. 支持了...... 看看先:) 那么快就有破解了
谢谢LZ 1.02了! 补丁有什么内容呢。。。 1.02! 不知道修了些什麼? 只有spa才会 不知道1.02改了什麼?
isabela 的BUG改了沒{:2_29:} 真有效率啊。。。。。。。。。。 到底更新啥阿 好像我还是1.00版的,能用么? 本帖最后由 s0913454918 于 2011-4-13 08:52 编辑
剛看1.02出了 破解馬上就有!
但可以情問是升級什麼東西?! 回复 1# 星云散落
感謝分享 要的啊,好东西。话说改进了什么 增加了什么东西啊 介绍:
- 来自eoman的原创重机枪,在逆风洞穴和米歇尔医生之家里找找看?! 第一页? ddddddddddd