RT.我装了这个MOD,但是没有效果。这个MOD怎么用啊! Gibbeds Dragon Age Save Generator for Dragon age 2?打开那个exe选择想要的1代剧情,最后生成存档,最后人物设定时选择导入1代存档,再倒入刚才那个存档 不好意思!没表达清楚,我问的是选择主角弟弟或妹妹谁死的那个MOD怎么用。我复制进去之后还是原来那样!不过还是谢谢了! 这个Mod英文名是什么?Sophies Choice?
上面这个的话,粘贴到 游戏安装目录\addins下,进游戏主菜单后点Downloadable content,看加载了没有
有的话,进游戏就有效了,点 ability 里面会增加一个能力,托移到快捷栏,用的时候就能转换了
-- Description --
Tricks the game so that the other sibling lives.
If you are a rogue or warrior, Bethany will die instead of Carver.
If you are a mage, Carver will die instead of Bethany.
Side effect: NPCs will not recognize that you are a mage if you are one.
Now comes with an ability to toggle the effect. Starts out off.
-- Instructions --
Extract to AddIns folder in your DA2 install directory.
-- Upgrading --
Delete the old mod folder before extracting the new one.
-- Known Issues --
If you enter a scene while in combat the script may not execute. 楼上很详细!我试一下!