这时候再喝进化药水会怎么样?话说进化药水真难见到,就用过以太药跟别人换了1瓶 附上wiki原文
Strength 力量
■突變訊息:Your arms grow stronger.
■Your arms are well-knit.你的手臂結實。 (Strength +3) (力量 +3)
■Your have well-muscled arms.你的手臂充滿肌肉。 (Strength +6, must have Strength +3 mutation) (力量+6,須有力量+3突變)
■Your arms are extremely well-knit.你的手臂極其結實。 (Strength +9, must have Strength +6 mutation) (力量+9,須有力量+6突變)
Dexterity 敏捷
■突變訊息:Your joints become flexible.
■Your joints are flexible.你的關節靈活。 (Dexterity +3) (敏捷 +3)
■Your joints are very flexible.你的關節非常靈活。 (Dexterity +6, must have Dexterity +3 mutation) (敏捷+6,須有敏捷+3突變)
■Your joints are extremely flexible.你的關節極其靈活。 (Dexterity +9, must have Dexterity +6 mutation) (敏捷+9,須有敏捷+6突變)
Perception 知覺
■變異訊息:Your eyes glow.
■You have cat eyes.你有雙貓的眼睛。 (Perception +5) (知覺 +5)
■You have hawk eyes.你有雙鷹的眼睛。 (Perception +10, must have Perception +5 mutation) (知覺+10,須有知覺+5突變)
■You are partially color-blind (Perception -5) (知覺 -5)
■You are blind in one eye (Perception -10) (知覺 -10)
Charisma 魅力
■變異訊息:Your voice becomes scary.
■Your voice is hasky. (CHR -5)
■Your voice is sweet.你的聲音甜美。 (Charisma +5) (魅力 +5)
■Your voice charms everyone.你的聲音令每一個人著迷。 (Charisma +10, must have sweet voice mutation first) (魅力+10,須有魅力+5突變)
Speed 速度
■突變訊息:Your legs become lithe.
■Your legs are lithe.你的雙腿輕盈。 (Speed +5) (速度 +5)
■Your legs are very lithe.你的雙腿很輕盈。 (Speed +10, must have Speed +5 mutation first) (速度+10,須有速度+5突變)
■You have ideal legs.你有完美的雙腿。 (Speed +15, must have Speed +10 mutation first) (速度+15,須有速度+10突變)
■突變訊息:Your legs are twisted!
■Your legs are twisted. (Speed -5) (速度 -5)
Armor 裝甲
■突變訊息:You shiver. 你打了冷顫。
■Your skin is sheer. 你的皮膚變薄了。
■Your skin is hard.你的皮膚堅硬。 (PV +3) (裝甲 +3)
■Your skin is very hard.你的皮膚非常堅硬。 (PV +6, must have PV +3 mutation) (裝甲+6,須有裝甲+3突變)
■Your skin is hard as iron.你的皮膚是堅硬如鐵。 (PV +9, must have PV +6 mutation) (裝甲+9,須有裝甲+6突變)
■突變訊息:Your skin becomes pale. 你的皮膚變得死白。
■Your skin is white. 你的皮膚是白的。 (PV -3) (裝甲 -3)
Memorization 記憶
■突變訊息:Your brain is degenerates.你的大腦衰退了。
■You are stupid.你是笨蛋。(Memorization -4) (記憶 -4)
■突變訊息:Your brain is mechanized
■Your brain is mechanized.你的大腦已經機械化。 (Memorization +4) (記憶 +4)
■Your brain is fully mechanized.你的大腦已經完全機械化。 (Memorization +8, must have Memorization +4 mutation first) (記憶 +8,須有記憶+4突變)
Regeneration 回覆力
■突變訊息:Your metabolism slow down.你的代謝減緩了。
■You suffer from anemia.你罹患貧血。 (Regeneration +) (再生- )
■突變訊息:Suddenly your blood become greenish!
■Your wounds regenerate rapidly.你的傷口再生得快。 (Regeneration +) (再生+)
■Your wounds regenerate instantly.你的傷口立即再生。 (Regeneration ++, must have Regeneration + mutation) (再生+ +,須再生+突變)
Resistances 抗性
■變異訊息:You feel hot-headed.你感到急躁。
■Your skin is covered by frost.你的皮膚覆蓋著霜。 (Cold Resistance +) (抗冷 +)
■■Your blood is boiling.你的血液沸騰。 (Fire Resistance +) (抗火+)
■Your skin gets gooseflesh. (RES Fire-)
■變異訊息:You gain resistance to magic.你得到對魔法的抗性。
■You have resistance to magic.你擁有抵抗魔法的能力。 (Magic Resistance +) (抗魔法+)
■You have resistance to lightning.你擁有抵抗雷擊的能力。 (Lightning Resistance +) (抗電+)
■■Your eardrums are thick.你的耳膜厚。 (Sound Resistance +) (抗聲音 +)
■Your eardrums become thin.你的耳膜變薄。 (RES Sound-)
■■變異訊息:You lost resistance to magic.你失去對魔法的抗性。
Other 其他類
■變異訊息:You are charmed by the flavor of human flesh. 你對人肉的味道著迷。
■You have no trouble eating human flesh. 吃人肉?沒問題!