1. Enable the console and type in "runscript zz_seb_debug", which starts a dialogue.
2. Choose "Duty - Act 1".
3. Choose "Jump to location".
4. Choose "Chantry - Exterior".
5. Go to the chantry board and accept the quest "Duty".
6. Open the console and run "runscript zz_seb_debug" again.
7. Choose "Jump to a plot point".
8. Choose "Duty completed".
9. Open the console and run "runscript zz_dae_debug". <-- Note that there's another code here!
10. Choose "Area Jump".
11. Choose "Act 2".
12. Choose "Major interiors".
13. Choose "Chantry".
Now you will be in the chantry in "act 2". You will get the quest "repentance" and all you have to do is talk to sebastian to recruit him. He will act as if you did his quest in act one.
I have not encountered any problems with this solution
中文大致翻譯1下,在按制台打"runscript zz_seb_debug", 接著跟住2-5步驟按選擇。
第6再打1次"runscript zz_seb_debug", 接著跟住7-8步驟按選擇。
到了第9,扛另外1個"runscript zz_dae_debug". 接著跟住10-13步驟按選擇。
完成以上,來到CHANTRY,找弓手王子講話就可以。 {:3_190:}楼主有心了。路过一顶 路过顶个