求助6本魔法书的地点和任务流程 * In Abandoned Thaig, the entrance (known as "Recently Opened Passage") is at the west end of Sundermount, in a corner left of the north-western exit, accessible only in Act II. The tome is found in the main room of the thaig next to the Nexus Golem (for the battle in this room, see "strategy" section in Abandoned Thaig page).* A cave at the east end of The Bone Pit (outside the mine). Inside the location is called "Cave"
* A cave in the northern middle parts of The Wounded Coast. It should be named "The Dank Cave" and is not marked on your map. Note that this cave is inaccessible later in the game.
* In The Chantry, on a table from the southern stairs, second floor.
* In the Viscount's Keep, eastern part on a table near the throne.
这5本全部摧毁后你的任务会更新,地点在dark town,进去选择读最后一本书,然后boss就来了(当然你也可以摧毁最后一本,不过这样会少2点属性奖励) 谢谢楼上。