他之前受IGN澳大利亚访问的时候说出如是感言,如下:Zur: Sure thing. I’m actually really anxious for the game right now, so I can pop it in and start playing. I’m really looking forward to see it. I know there are a few bugs that still need to be fixed. Unlike other titles from Bioware, this was kind of a rush job. EA really wanted to capitalize on the success of Origins, so the game was really being pushed hard to be released now. So I’d like to know if there are bugs, or if there’s anything we could patch or fix.
EA把biaware给毁了~~~~~~~~~~~ EA SUCKS!!!!! Inon Zur你这个食古不化的人别阻碍BioWare的赶工之路!Bug怕什么,会有补丁呢!超短剧情怕什么,会有无数圈钱DLC呢!音乐不出彩怕什么,光顾着砍人了谁还去听你的音乐!重复地图不是很棒么,这样广大玩家就不会迷路啦!看我们的老板EA想的有多周到!你们啊~真是身在福中不知福~
(以上为玩笑话,Inon Zur是很有才华的) 他之前受IGN澳大利亚访问的时候说出如是感言,如下:
Zur: Sure thing. I’m actually really anxious f ...
fatweb 发表于 2011-3-16 16:38 http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif
现在说这个还有什么用,你要是剧情长点 1个月2个月,推出修复补丁也可以补救。
大多2~3天通关了。 那些bug修不修的不打紧了。 地图单调 点对我是比较好了 游戏很不错。但是既然叫龙腾世纪。就应该借着前面的走。我太怀念dao1德主教拉。雷利安娜。莫瑞干