- 制造总体稳定的改善。
- 电影数量服从现在在音频设置主音量滑块。
- 修正了玩家无法激活他们的第三个英雄
- 修正了一个战利品是不显示的收集/继续屏幕正确
- 修正了一个队没有妥善保存。
- 修正了一些问题,如聊天窗口是在不适当的时间捕获击键。
- 修正了玩家在旅行,尽管没有完成这一威胁水平提升到一个随机的星球。
- 改进的各种能力的视觉效果。
- 改变颜色战利品下降更明显。
- 改进音效的催化剂回升。
- 认可机构董事现在更喜欢在游戏过程中发生较大的团块爪牙。
- 修正了一个为百分之能力为基础的损害奖金不正确的统计增加会计。
- 减少统计帽有所扩大。
- 弹伤害加成现在应适当反映在工具提示。
- 重新调整整个游戏的产卵精英敌人的机会。
- 降低了健康和力量水蛭水蛭催化剂的效力。
- 增加了健康和力量胶囊,健康神社落下。
- 减少定时器收集/继续从4:00到2:30屏幕。
- 增加对敌人的侵袭和启示模式的移动速度。
- 减少了队长级别的敌人伤害不大。
- 减少全国人大多人游戏伤害增加。
- 提高鼻咽癌侵袭和损伤的启示模式和健康。
- 减少了Fragbot机甲- X的损害。
- 队长级别的敌人现在有50%像老板禁用时间减少。
- Undermind的火荆棘的buff不再降低近战伤害,但其危害比例返回给攻击者增加。
- 修正了一个从Undermind的火荆棘爱好者损害是成倍扩大。
- 减少了幻影收费的基础伤害。
- 减少在PVP中带电拳破坏。
- 增加了电子在PVP领域损害和速度。
- 减少了电弧焊接的伤害加成从百分之跳跃到其他目标,降低了最大的连锁距离(运动只)。
- 减少了Twinblaze冷却时间。
- 修正了一个Krel的火焰波将飞越较短的敌人头。
- 雷雨现在的渠道只有2秒钟,但闪电10秒钟即可。
- 雷雨并略少,每罢工,但罢工损失较多。
- 雷雨只有一个机会击中特定目标一次,而不是多次。
- 雷雨窜可以不再被取消提早走。
- 一个目标只能是破坏了两个螺栓每个使用的最大的蹼状闪电。
- 减少之间的闪电链跳跃的时间。
- 增加了对Lumin的闪电链链在PvP最大距离。
- 修正了不正确的损伤概率攻击系数。
- 减少了该地区的损坏概率突击随机效应的损害。
- 增加了一个新的随机概率突击效果:消除。
六翼天使- X
- 大幅减少了损失,减少了时间,并略有减少冷却时间的自动炮塔。
- 修正了一个跟手榴弹被视为物理伤害,而不是能量损伤治疗。
SRS - 42
- 减少在过载,从锁定目标伤害加成。
- 增加了对导弹发射的导弹弹幕的速度,并降低之间的发射和降落阶段的延误。
- 修正了一个被抹去不适用了从点额外的伤害是expunging正确的数额。
- 增加(活动只)的疼痛猎犬'火荆棘的成效。
- Made general stability improvements.
- Movie volume now obeys the master volume slider in audio settings.
- Fixed a bug where players were unable to activate their third hero
- Fixed a bug where loot was not displaying properly on the collect/continue screen
- Fixed a bug where squads were not saving properly.
- Fixed some issues where the chat window was capturing keystrokes at inappropriate times.
- Fixed a problem where players were travelling to a random planet despite not completing that Threat Level.Art/Sound FX
- Improved visual effects for various abilities.
- Changed loot drop colors to be more obvious.
- Improved sound for catalyst pickup.General Gameplay
- The AI director now prefers to place larger clumps of minions during play.
- Fixed a bug where percent-based damage bonuses for abilities were not correctly accounting for stat increases.
- Reduced stat cap scaling somewhat.
- Projectile bonus damage should now be properly reflected in tooltips.
- Retuned the chances of spawning elite enemies throughout the game.
- Reduced the effectiveness of health leech and power leech catalysts.
- Increased the number of health and power capsules that health shrines drop.
- Reduced timer on collect/continue screen to 2:30 from 4:00.NPCs
- Increased enemy movement speed in Invasion and Apocalypse modes.
- Reduced the damage of captain-level enemies slightly.
- Decreased NPC damage increase for multiplayer games.
- Increased NPC damage and health in Invasion and Apocalypse modes.
- Reduced the damage of Fragbot Mech-XS.
- Captain-level enemies now have 50% disable duration reduction like bosses.
- Undermind’s Fire Thorns buff no longer reduces melee damage, but the percentage of damage returned to the attacker is increased.
- Fixed a bug where the damage from Undermind’s Fire Thorns buff was scaling exponentially.HeroesShared Abilities
- Reduced the base damage of Phantom Charge.
- Reduced Charged Fist damage in PvP.Blitz
- Increased the damage and speed of Electron Sphere in PvP.Goliath
- Reduced the bonus damage percent from Arc Weld jumping to additional targets and reduced the maximum chaining distance (campaign only).Krel
- Reduced the cooldown time of Twinblaze.
- Fixed a bug where Krel’s Flame Wave would fly over the head of shorter enemies.Lumin
- Thunderstorm now channels for only 2 seconds, but lightning bolts drop for 10 seconds.
- Thunderstorm does slightly less damage per strike but strikes more often.
- Thunderstorm only has a chance to hit a particular target once rather than multiple times.
- Thunderstorm channeling can no longer be canceled early by walking.
- A single target can only be damaged by a maximum of two bolts from each use of Webbed Lightning.
- Reduced time between jumps for Chain Lightning.
- Increased the maximum chaining distance for Lumin’s Chain Lightning in PvP.Maldri
- Fixed an incorrect damage coefficient in Probability Assault.
- Reduced the damage of the area damage random effect from Probability Assault.
- Added a new random effect for Probability Assault: banish.Seraph-XS
- Greatly reduced the damage, reduced the duration, and slightly reduced the cooldown of Auto Turret.
- Fixed a bug where Contact Grenade was being treated as physical damage instead of energy damage.SRS-42
- Reduced the damage bonus from Target Lock during overdrive.
- Increased the speed of the missiles launched by Missile Barrage, and reduced the delay between the launch and descent phases.Viper
- Fixed a bug where Expunge was not applying the correct amount of additional damage from the DoTs it was expunging.Zrin
- Increased the effectiveness of Pain Hounds’ Fire Thorns in (campaign only). :L下午6点结束,这个时候还更新。。。 我来报到来