我在野外一个海滩的山洞里发现一本书,叫evil tome,点下他有3个选择,一个是销毁,一个是阅读,一个是拿走,当我选择阅读时候,又回出来2个选择,一个是拿走,一个是认可,当我选择认可时,我的角色回闪一下,然后说有些东西进入我的大脑,还有一本是在猎人哪个教堂里,也有一本这样的书,我不知道着书有什么用,希望各位帮忙解释下,我看攻略也没提到着书,很有可能还有另外的书,是不是揭开什么技能或天赋用的,麻烦知道的帮忙告诉下,不知道希望去找找,帮忙研究下,谢谢 能拿的我都拿,给属性、技能点、特殊点。 这个任务叫forbidden knowledge 说名是要摧毁 TOMES 楼上说拿了给属性,但我拿了3本了一个属性都没加,但是假如阅读,然后选择认同,就给3点技能点,但是任务还是没完成,任务说明还是要摧毁,不知道各位有没有玩到这里,帮忙研究下 这是我在国外论坛找来的Choosing any of these options will cause several demons and abominations to appear and attack.
NOTE: Reading and accepting the book's deal will give you +2 attribute points, but this will only happen once, any books read after this will not give any attribute bonuses. Also, taking or reading any of the books makes the player unable to complete the quest, and the quest will remain in your journal. However, if you ONLY read the last book (named The Fell Grimoire) you will complete the quest, fight Xebenbeck and get 2+ attribute points.
Important- You may come across a locked door and will need a Rogue to unlock it, in the Forgotten Lair.
Your Journal will update, and you will get information on The Fell Grimoire. It can be found in The Forgotten Lair, which is a cave in Darktown next to the entrance. Inside the cave there are several traps. Some of them are capable of killing most members of your party rather quickly so watch out for them, there's spaces where you can walk without triggering them.
After destroying the Grimoire you will meet one of the most dangerous bosses in the game, Xebenkeck, a powerful Desire Demon. The boss itself is not very hard but she will summon hordes of Rage Demon's and Abomination, as well as a Revenant in the second wave.
NOTE: If you choose to take the books, you can sell them each 86 pieces. 5 books= 4 sovereigns 38 pieces.
大概就是只要拿走or阅读了任何一本书,都不能完成此任务(我非常不幸的把书都拿了),但是只阅读最后的一本Fell Grimoire,就能完成这个任务啦。如果毁掉Fell Grimoire的话,就会出现一个most dangerous bosses ,你要和他PK 上面说5本书,我只找到了3本,请问其他2本在那里,我今天找了半天也没找到 我也只找到3本大家收集下地点吧
1本在bone pit 右上一个地图上没有入口标记的山洞 1楼海滩山洞的方位能具体点吗?我2周目快下deep roads了.马上能用到
话说噩梦盗贼真tm不和谐啊. 这个显然要自己用掉……肯定不会有人选摧毁吧…… 有了任务之后
viscount‘s keep一直走到底王位那里
bone pit最远端洞穴
wounded coast也有个洞
就这五本,都得毁了 我找到了4本,但是wounded coast里没有洞啊,前面4本都找到了,但第5本没有,谁知道在那里 找到了,谢谢啊 正在找呢,很有用啊~ 谢谢jamestar 都召见了 5本 4本毁 读1本 或者5本全毁才能最后去darktown召唤boss解锁成就