本帖最后由 lt39619 于 2011-3-12 11:07 编辑因为本人是外观控, 加上十分喜欢宣传片里法师的那套装备(半边铠甲+斗篷), 但是因为这套装备要到游戏快结束了才能收集全套,感到十分不爽, 所以到处找能够能一开始就穿这套装甲的方法。嘿嘿, 还真被我找到了(已经测试可用,战士档通关了,开了法师新档正在爽)。
[*]Warning: This can mess up your game a little bit.[*]Known side effects include not being able to access certain specializations[*]Both your siblings appearing in the character selection window despite the fact that one should be dead[*]Being unable to import a Dragon Age: Origins character.[*]Fortunately you can add these specializations back in using the console codes listed above.[*]Removing Bethany or Carver isn't possible as far as I'm concerned. It should be noted however that while both appearonly one sibling will appear in your home and with dialogue options based on your choice of class.[*]Also not sure about the import feature seems to bug out when doing this.
This will only give you the boots, gloves, and chest piece and they won't have a set bonus. (我已经测验过,通过这方法拿到到装备没有正常的属性好,不过一直用到第二章应该没问题,而且我是外观控,不在意属性。。嘿嘿) 。。。这就是传说中的盗版哇!{:3_160:}
Step 1: Start a new game and pick the class you want. (开个新党,选性别,职业啥的)
Step 2: Once you have full access to your abilities during the "fake" story, pause and type runscript zz_dae_debug.(矮子的伪造故事开始了,你开始控制牛逼主角,玩到出现一开始那个巨型怪物的时候,暂停输入 开启控制台,“runscript zz_dae_debug”
Step 3: Select Plot Jump -> Core/Critical Path -> Prologue -> Jump to Gallows (选择:Plot Jump -> Core/Critical Path -> Prologue -> Jump to Gallows)
Optional Step: Add your Sibling(Bethany or Carver) and Aveline so you can listen to their dialogue and have them fight with you. (这时你已经穿着冠军套装出现在港口了,用同上方法呼叫debug模式,把Aveline和你弟弟或者妹妹(其一)加进来,不加进来的话貌似没法继续剧情)
Step 4: Save the game and reload that save.(保档,再取档)
Step 5: Run through the short Gallows quests and pick the mercs or smugglers.(开始完成任务, 一直到出现剧情(给人免费打工一年),一年以后云云。 碰到矮人哥,知道你可以操作为止)
Step 6: After your year is over continue through the dialog until you've met Varric and can begin doing quests. (同上)
Step 7: Head to Gamlen's House in lowtown. (这时你去你舅舅Gamlen的家,在lowtwon)
Step 8: Talk to you mother quickly (跟你老妈说话)
Step 9: Put all your champion gear in your storage chest (说完话,把你身上的冠军套装全拨下来,放在家里的储物箱里(storage chest) )
Step 10: Select Plot Jump -> Core/Critical Path -> Prologue -> Jump to real blightlands (呼出DEBUG模式按照提示选择: Plot Jump -> Core/Critical Path -> Prologue -> Jump to real blightlands)
Step 11: Now name your character, edit appearance, and pick between the 3 Ferelden backgrounds (you can't pick import)(这时你会跳到最开始的选择人物外貌,历史,界面,随便选吧, 但是不能选 import DAO 的存档)
Step 12: Start the game. You should be in the real blightlands, but they won't trigger dialogue continue the story. (点开始游戏, 你发现你在最开始逃离黑灵的地方了)
Step 13: Pause and type runscript zz_dae_debug.Step 14: Area Jump -> Act 1 -> Major Interiors -> Gamlen's House (呼叫debug模式, Area Jump -> Act 1 -> Major Interiors -> Gamlen's House, 这样你就回家了)
Step 15: Profit... all your gear should be in the chest. Put on your sick looking armor/weapon and enjoy.(这时你可以拿出储物箱里的冠军装备开始你的冠军之路了嘿嘿)
另外, 对于不想重新开档的朋友,还有一个半吊子的方法,让你速度拿到冠军套的胸甲, 那就是直接通过DEBUG模式选择area jump,跳到ACT 3 的 Bone pit 去把高龙给杀了,拿到胸甲,再跳回来。 因为杀高龙不在主线剧情里,所以不会影响游戏, 而且,这是属性IMBA的正版冠军装备哇~~{:3_153:} 自己顶。
20.exe..................... 純支持一下~ 好像颇复杂的{:3_154:}{:3_152:} 看不懂~能整理下在發嚒? 回复 5# cytd
我已经翻译了呀,按照我说的一步一步来就可以了。 当然,前提是你得会用控制台。关于这个坛子有很多帖子说明的,我就不复述了。 回复 4# tangohi
步骤很详尽,但是实际上20分钟不要就搞定了。 如果直接提供存档下载可能有人会用。 其实没有极大意义,并不如未来的AddItem划算... LZ幸苦了 不过太麻烦先通一遍再说咯 支持一下~ 按照楼主的意思,也就是杀掉某条高龙就可以得到这个套装了? Optional Step: Add your Sibling(Bethany or Carver) and Aveline so you can listen to their dialogue and have them fight with you. (这时你已经穿着冠军套装出现在港口了,用同上方法呼叫debug模式,把Aveline和你弟弟或者妹妹(其一)加进来,不加进来的话貌似没法继续剧情)
怎麼按+入弟弟或妹妹啊?又沒有詳細說明~真是的 我完全蒙了-0 - 要是矮子哥不嘴贱就拿不上了啊哈哈 回复 13# cytd
add partys